Birdman | Teen Ink


October 12, 2015
By Noahburgh20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Noahburgh20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Birdman was the protector of Warsaw, Indiana. Birdman is half bird and half man. Birdman only turns into a bird when it rains. One cold and wet morning Birdman woke up to the sound of the rain hitting his window. He was going out for breakfast with his best friend Frank.  Frank and Birdman have been friends ever since they were kids. Frank had invented a jacket that Birdman could wear when it was raining so he wouldn’t turn into a bird as long as he had it on. It was raining outside so Birdman put on his jacket.
When Birdman walked into the restaurant he saw Frank in  the booth with a weird look on his face while reading the newspaper.  Birdman sat down and asked what was wrong. Frank started reading the article about how a villain named Wormman  had stolen the mayor’s ruby.  Wormman’s plan was to make a machine that could possibly destroy Warsaw.  Birdman had to come up with a plan to stop this evil worm.  As he sprinted to the door, he ran straight into  the waitress.  The waitress  didn't mean to, but spilled coffee all over his  jacket. Birdman knew he needed to get his jacket cleaned or it could ruin it and not be able to prevent him from turning into the bird.  He took his jacket to the laundry shop. When Birdman dropped his jacket off at the shop he was about to walk out but he couldn't go outside. If he walked out and the rain hit him everyone would know his secret.   He was thinking what to do and knew he didn’t have a choice if he wanted to save Warsaw from the worm’s evil plan. Birdman ran out to an alley and turned into a bird . He  quickly flew to his apartment window .  Frank was already waiting there for him to start thinking of a plan that would work.
Birdman and his friend decided they needed to find out where the worm was living. They wanted to try and surprise him and get the ruby back.  They had heard that the worm was hiding in the tunnels under the city. They were about to look at a map of the tunnels when they heard  a knock on the door. Birdman opened the door and nobody was there. A piece of paper was laying on the ground with some dirt laying on it .  It was a note from the evil worm.   It said that he needs to give up his magic coat or the worm would use the ruby to finish the city off. It also said, 
Before you try to stop me I want you to know that I have thousands and thousands of robots that will protect me. Remember to think twice.
Birdman was so mad he thought he had steam coming out of his nose. Why would a worm want to destroy the city and all the people? Frank and Birdman came up with a fantastic plan that would get the ruby back and Birdman would not have to give up his magic coat. Birdman was going to take his coat off in the rain so he would turn into a bird. He was going to fly over Warsaw and try to get as many birds as he could find to help him with his plan.  He looked out the window and was so happy that it was still raining. He stepped onto his roof and as soon as the rain hit him he started changing. He jumped and was flying over the city.
Frank helped him make a list of where would be good places to find birds around the city.  He started at the park and found some birds sleeping in some trees. He woke them up and explained the danger that they were in and his plan to stop the worm.  They all agreed to help. They flew with Birdman to telephone wires where more birds were hanging out and they also agreed to help out. Birdman went to a few other places and found more birds to help.  There were close to a hundred birds all flying and chirping together. They all agreed to meet back on the roof of Birdman’s apartment the next day so they could go over the plan and look at the map of the tunnels. Birdman told them not to eat breakfast and to come hungry and ready to eat!
The next morning all the birds returned and were ready to stop the evil worm. All the birds were starving and were ready to eat. Frank split up the birds into different teams and assigned them a tunnel that they would fly down.  All the tunnels would have hungry birds flying down them ready for some tasty robot worms that would make a breakfast. Birdman made it clear that no one was to eat Wormman because he wanted to make sure he found the ruby.  Birdman and his friends decided to count to three and take off. They all counted and flew into the tunnels. The birds split up and flew down every hole that was on the map so that Wormman could not escape with the ruby.  One by one the robot worms were eaten by the hungry birds. After about an hour all the robot worms were gone and only Wormman was left holding the ruby hiding in the corner. Wormman was so scared he said he would give the ruby back and promise to leave Warsaw and never come back. Birdman said if he gave the ruby back that he would think about not eating him.  The evil worm handed over the ruby. In one quick move Birdman swallowed the worm in one bite.  All the birds started chirping together and flew out of the tunnels. 
Birdman and Frank took the ruby back to the mayor and told him that the machine had been destroyed and that Wormman would no longer be a problem to the city of Warsaw and the people that lived there. The mayor was so happy that he gave Birdman a key to the city. Once again Birdman was the hero of Warsaw

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