An Unexpected Life | Teen Ink

An Unexpected Life

December 11, 2015
By YoshiMaster12345678 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
YoshiMaster12345678 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there were five kids that were reckless Jose,Andrew,Yesenia, Daniel and Ruben. They always went to the movie theater. They always tried to sneak in, The way they would sneak in is by having Jose and Yesenia paying at the door. Once they get in they would go open the exit thru the back door so that Andrew and Daniel could get in. But every time they snuck in they would always get caught and get kicked out by the employees. By sneaking in so much they found all the security  cameras. They would know everything. One of the reasons they would know so much is because Jose used to work there. Jose knew how to get into  all the cash registers  and the vault. Jose told Yesenia ,Ruben, Andrew, “Let’s rob the movie theater!!”
Jose had everything planned out with his friends but the only thing they would have to figure out was the security routine. They figured out the security routine and keep them distracted was Yesenia’s job. The only thing in their way was getting a car.They needed one but no one had one. They had to call Ruben who had the car but they weren't sure that Ruben would help them by getting away even though he was going stay in the car and wait for them to get out and get the money.
The next day Jose told  Andrew,Yesenia, Daniel and Ruben that it was time to do the job. The movie theater was haunted by spirits of people who were killed in there. Jose and Yesenia opened the exit door so that Andrew and Daniel could get in. Once Jose opened the backdoor, Yesenia went to distract the security guard and saw a ghost and she got scared. Daniel saw her and he thought that was a good idea of hers  saying she saw a ghost because he thought she was kidding but she wasn't.
When Andrew, and Daniel were in they would have to wait until all the movies started so they can get in. Once the movies started and all the people were inside watching the movies Andrew and daniel lock the doors so that they wouldn't come out. when everyone was locked up they started to shoot up the place Daniel had two securities in hostage in front and thats when Ruben started to get worry because he was thinking they would get caught by the cops because they there was a co worker that worked there he called the cops but when that happen
Jose locked the moving door to no one can get out of the movie the movies but some did but daniel in the main entrance with the two securities. everyone got scared and stopped in a line because they hear a gun shoot but that gun shoot was a sign to everyone that was in crew who was robbing the theater that was the sign to get out and go to ruben’s car. On their way to the car thats when the cops and and the ambulance started to come in the theater. But once they got in every one locked but  down so they wouldn't see that they were there one the cops and the ambulance pass.They quickly turn on the car and they left. They got away with all the money. They went to go hide for the night until the morning once the sun came out  Jose, Yesenia, Daniel, Ruben were leaving to Cuba to go live there life. Andrew was right behind them but he got caught by the FBI Because Ruben snitched everyone out!.

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