Dobt Mick | Teen Ink

Dobt Mick

April 12, 2016
By SamDaRealMan BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
SamDaRealMan BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a boom.
Then a crash.
“Everyone get below deck!” someone I couldn’t see yelled. I was terrified. I had no idea what was happening. I had no idea where I was. I had no idea what it was…
And then I woke up.

“Edward!!! Get off thou lazy rump and get over here!” I jumped off the bench from where I was sleeping waiting for the Mayflower. There was a strange elderly man from a distance staring at me fiercely. Then he just walked away hiding something in his coat. I forgot about him a second later. The dream felt so real. It felt as if it had happened. But I would have to forget about it. It’s nothing. 
I walked over to the port criticizing the past few events. This was the third time we attempted to head to the new world. We were going on the Mayflower, side by side with the Speedwell-- another ship with us-- but it kept breaking. Because of that, we are leaving it in port. I actually feel bad for those folks who weren't allowed to go with us.
Everyone going on the Mayflower with me is leaving everything they have just to practice their religion freely. I made sure not to get too close to anyone going with me, so they wouldn’t find out my secret.
    “Name,” said a young man by the name of William Bradford; I hadn't seen him since we had failed to go for the 3rd time.
¨Why hello there my young friend, and how are you on this fine evening?¨ I had to stall. I couldn't be the first one on the boat because I needed to get a bottom room, so I didn't want to draw attention to myself. I've heard the stories. One person was a stowaway, he didn’t care about religion, he just wanted a new start, so they burnt him at the stake.
That wouldn't happen to me.
¨ Name?¨ he said again, with a harsher tone. ¨I won't ask again.¨
¨The names Doty, Edward Doty. May I please go on the boat now?¨ He checked off my name with a quill and gave me a shove onto the boat. I walked down a small flight of stairs and found a small room in the back of the boat. It was a single room. There was a cotton bed with thin sheets and a teapot with nothing in it. There was a small dresser with two shelves in the room. I put my small amount of clothes and stuff in the drawers, closed the door, and went to go asleep again.

That night I had the same dream I had the day before. There was screaming. Loud cries and smashed splintered wood everywhere. I couldn't see anything. Only such darkness that I felt as if I could feel it. And then I was wet. I was in water, trying to stay up for my life.
Then silence.

I shot up in bed sweating like crazy. I put on my fuzzy indigo slippers and walked on the creaky staircase up to the top deck. I was finally on my way. Finally ready for a new start. I looked left and I looked right. There was a  bright orange pink horizon over a world of water. I could tell by the way the sun was positioned that it was about 6:15 because the sun was just barely coming up. So I just stood there and lost thought of the dreams, the old man, and the chance of being caught. I just stood there and admired the amazing beautiful sea.
When I got bored of just standing there, I walked into the dining room and took a seat in the farthest corner of the room. An old raggedy women came over and plopped a blob of potatoes eggs and bacon on my plate.  “Umm, I don’t eat eggs. I don’t eat meat. It makes me urinate ferociously.”
“Well aren't you a healthy little…” I couldn't believe the profanity this old lady was using. After she was done calling me every filthy word in the English language, she took a handful of eggs and  shoved it in my wide open mouth. I was so stunned that I choked on it. She held my nose so I either fainted or ate them. So without choice, I swallowed the brown old eggs that were contaminated with the old witch's hand down my throat. My bladder felt like it was going to explode. I couldn't breathe. So I did what I felt was needed. I peed all over that mean old woman. I peed until I couldn't pee anymore. The second she realized she was drenched in urine… she let go. That gave me a few seconds to get away.
I ran down to my room and locked the door. I smiled to myself. But I knew I was scared out of my mind. William Bradford, the leader of the group of us, was very strict. He would kill me if he found out that I did this. Not only was it mean. But it was unholy! The only reason that we went on this pilgrimage was to be able to practice our religion freely and everyone of us was very religious. Nobody would have done something as unholy as this. They for sure would find out I don’t care about religion and I just wanted a fresh start.
I heard a pounding on the door. I didn’t open it. Within a few minutes, the door flew off the hinges and John Bradford stood there. John was William's oldest son. And also smallest. He walked up to me and slashed me across the face with his long dirty finger nails.
“Don't ever touch my aunt again!" he screamed. “If I ever find out you touch anyone else on this boat again I’ll kill you!" he said in a low voice. Then without saying anything, he took out a knife from his back pocket and shoved it in his eye.
“What did you just do?" he screamed. “Why did you shove a knife in your eye”
“Only time will tell," he said as he hobbled out of my room cradling his bleeding face. I was shocked. I needed to lie down. I sat on my bed and stared out at the ocean through a small window at the end of my room. What the heck was wrong with him?? I was deciding either to tell someone or just forget about it. I decided just to let it go. It wasn't like I did it to him. It was all his fault.

By now it was about 7. I hadn't left my room  on account of the incident with John. Like before, I heard a pounding on my door that I had put back up again. I was scared that it would be John again, so I just pretended I wasn't there. The man walked away; a few minutes later I heard a clicking in my door and then it opened. Standing there was John with a bandage around his left eye… and William Bradford. I didn’t know why William was here. He calmly walked into my room, but then he threw me into my dresser smashing it. He started hollering at me. I couldn't tell what he was saying because of the fact that the man had thrown me into a dresser! I could make about a few things of what he was saying like, “What is wrong with you?” And, “Do you even know the reason we came here.” And a few more things that I couldn't quite understand.  But then he said something I heard loud and clear, “Why did you take my sons eye out?”
At this point, I shot up and just looked at him with a blank face.
    “What are you talking about? Your precious son walked in here and started yelling then he took his own eye out!!”
    “I don’t care what you say!” William said. “My son has never lied to me. He is a good boy. Unlike you! When we get to the new land you shall be burnt at the stake!”
    “What!” I screamed! “Because your son took out his own eye, I get killed.”
“Good. So you do understand! Come with me," he said
“Where are you taking me?” I said as I followed him down a creaky staircase trying to fight off the rats. He pushed me into a smelly room and slid the door shut. Then without saying a word, he just walked upstairs and slammed the door behind him.
I grabbed the bars and started screaming.
“You can’t just hold me here!” I yelled. All I heard were the creaking floor boards underneath me.  I turned around. I was in a small cell about 3 meters by 3 meters. Barely enough room to lie down. I sat down and bent my head down and my head fell on something mushy.
“I would truly appreciate it if you moved your big head off my stomach.” I jumped up from on top of the man. He lit a match so I could see his face. I looked at him closely. This was the old man that was staring at me before and following me!
“Who are you!?” I said as I slowly moved into the back of the cell.
“My name is Canip Shwanker. And I am the only one that can save your life.”
“What?” I say again. “What do you mean you can save me? Whats going to happen?”
“Do you remember the dreams you had?” Said Canip. He was completely ignoring my question, I thought he was crazy so I just went with it.
“The dreams about the boat and the screaming?
“Yea I remember them. They were just nightmares.”
“No, they weren't," he said as he got up and dramatically looked out a small window at the end of the cell. “You see. You're special… Did you ever meet your parents? The answer to this question will change the course of the world for ever.
“No, I didn’t,” I said trying to back away as much as I could. “They left when I was younger. I lived in the streets. That's why I came here. To get a new start.”
“Edward. I am your father.”
I pulled out the old cookie from my pocket.
“This delicious chestnut dessert was from my father. Are you the creator of this masterpiece?!”
Canip stood up and said, “Edward. That.  Is. My. Cookie.”
    I couldn't believe it! I was looking for my parents for ever; now I found him in a dungeon! I had  millions of questions swirling in my mind.
“Are you really my father?” I asked.
“Yes. And I need to tell you something. When you were born, Your mother and I were oh so content! But then we got into debt with the holland mafia, your mother was kidnapped. They did experiments on her. One went terribly wrong. She got bigger. She turned into something different. Something horrible. Something new.  She turned into a giant whale. They call her Doby Mick. She got thrown into the ocean and now she attacks helpless boats because she doesn't know better. She isn't your mother anymore. She is Doby Mick. That’s why I left you. I needed to… end her, so she didn’t destroy any more innocent people. You're the chosen one. You're the one that will destroy Doby, and you will save the world from whalemagedin.”
I couldn't even think. That was a lot of information that I just received. All I could do was nod. Yes, I understood. But I just had one more question.
“The dreams I had; did you make me have them?”
“Yes,” he said. “When you were sleeping I injected a serum into you to give you visions of the future.
He took what looked to be a dagger out of his coat. “This knife is the only object that can kill her. When she was transformed, she was holding this knife, so it is the only one immune to the whales magic. If you hold it, than Doby can’t kill you. I try all things, I achieve what I can. And this… Only you can achieve.”

The boat violently shook and the cell door swung open. We ran up to the deck and saw her.
She was the biggest thing I had ever seen. Each tooth was pearl white sharp as one million knives. Her eyes black as the sea. Her flippers had to each be as long as the entire boat! Her mouth was so massive that it probably could swallow the boat within two gulps. And the color; it was magnificent. Blueish purple on the top, grayish black on the bottom with white spots around the eye. This beast was the most amazing and scary sight I had ever seen!
“Everyone get below deck!” Someone I couldn't see yelled. I was terrified out of my mind. I looked around for Canip but I couldn't find him anywhere! The crew members were shooting harpoons at the beat, and one by one falling off the boat and getting swallowed by the monster. The whale went under and a second later came up through the middle of the boat smashing it in two. I jumped onto a floating chunk of wood and watched the rest if the boat sink. I was the last survivor. It was up to me to Kill my mother. When I saw the whales mouth open. I took a breath. Stepped forward. Closed my eyes.
And jumped.

I fell into the stomach of the giant whale. I fell upon a mushy part inside her a few meters away from the acid that would burn me up. I couldn't believe what I saw in there. I saw corpses, parts of old boats, I even saw an entire sailboat untouched! There was smashed splintered wood and even the old tea pot that was in my old room. I was the only survivor of the mayflower. I had to avenge my father and everyone that died. I had to kill the whale. I had to kill my mother. I saw the whales Palatine Uvula and I threw the tea cup at it. The whale made a weird moaning noise and I felt myself moving. I was being thrown up! I got spewed out of the whale's mouth and quickly swam to a chunk of wood.
I needed to do this now. I took the magical dagger that Canip gave to me and tied it around a piece of wood so it was like a spear. I threw the magical dagger at the whale. Thus, I gave up the spear.
Then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago.

I looked left and I looked right. I saw the same bright, orange pink horizon over a world of water that I saw before. I took the cookie out of my pocket and took a bite.

Finally. I am at peace.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in school. I love writing and I love humor plus action, so I wanted to incorporate both of those aspects in my story.


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