Cinderella | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By writer2.5 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
writer2.5 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a kingdom a long time ago,there was the biggest wedding ever. So big infact that everyone in the kingdom was there. It was the wedding of the widow, Cinderella and the prince of the kingdom. They each were wearing the most beautiful clothes. They had elegant stitching and gold flakes embedded inside them so it looked like they sparkled we they moved.”You may now kiss the bride.” The priest said. When they kissed the entire kingdom fell silent in the beauty of the two.

Later in the palace

“Well what do you want to do now?” The prince said. “I have no idea what i want to do, let's just have fun at the party.” Cinderella said. When Cinderella turned to go to the main hall she saw her stepmother leaving. Then she got distracted by a big group the congratulated her. Then Cinderella saw her stepsister and went to greet her.when Cinderella walked into the room she still couldn’t believe how big it was. The walls were covered with many amazing paintings and drawings. The far wall had a table of food and the mid floor was used as a ballroom dancing area.on all over the room were chandeliers the size of one-fourth of the room. Then Cinderella went to see her stepsister. ”Hi sister, how are you doing?” Cinderella said. “Well nothing that can top marrying a prince.” Cinderella’s sister said. At that moment an arrow flew into the room and hit the chandelier. The chain connecting the chandelier to the ceiling snapped. “Sister get out of there.” Cinderella yelled but it was too late. The chandelier had crushed cinderella's sister flat. After all the shouting and guards yelling cinderella needed some space. She went out to the balconie to cool off. She stared at the lace and admired how it looked during a sunset. It looked like the bottom of the sun touched the lake making it look like a lake of fire. Cinderella was startled when her other sister walked up to her. Her makeup looked like she had been crying more than anybody else. “Th-the guards have ruled it an accident.” her sister said. “No that can’t be right” cinderella said, “I saw an arrow cut the chains.” Well the guards can’t find the arrow so…..” her voice was cut off when an arrow sprouted from her chest. Cinderella was so disgusted she vomited over the side of the balcony and displeased a few guests. Cinderella looked up with enough time to see her mother running away. “Mother, why?” Cinderella screamed. She ran down to the ball room. “Guards , come with me.” cinderella screamed. About three guards in full combat armor followed her. “Guards get your arrows at the ready and light them on fire.” Cinderella screamed. “I don’t mean to disrespect you, but why flaming arrows?” One of the guards yelled. “Because my mother is getting on a boat full of gunpowder and alcohol.” Cinderella screamed. As the boat was getting away, all the guards shot their arrows at the boat. “Who knew that gunpowder and alcohol can make a good firework?” The prince said. Cinderella was startled and almost fell into the water when the prince caught her. “Well now it’s time for you to meet my family.” The prince said. Then Cinderella passed out.            

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wizad GOLD said...
on Jun. 1 2016 at 11:13 am
wizad GOLD, Lincon, Maine
10 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some say the world will end in fire
some say in ice
from what I have tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire
but if it had to perrish twice
I think i know enough of hate
that ice is also great
and would suffice
Fire and ice by robert Frost

i dont understand the image