the titanic- a different perspective | Teen Ink

the titanic- a different perspective

June 5, 2016
By Anonymous

Aviana shot up in her small cot as she heard loud footsteps and noise from outside her cabin door. She was unsure of the time as the cabin did not have any windows and her father’s pocket watch was nowhere to be seen. Aviana’s younger sister was now awake and her tangled mess of curly blonde hair sprung in every direction as she wiped her eyes confused.
“Avi what’s going on?” Mumbled Evelyn in a sleepy voice.
“I don’t know, but mum and dad aren’t back yet from the party.”
Spoke Aviana.
The footsteps and voices outside the thin walls seemed to be getting more frantic. “C’mon let’s go see what going on” Aviana and Evelyn quickly changed out of their nightgowns and put on their dresses complete with their lacey socks and buckled shoes. The door was heavy but they managed to pry it open and step outside into the corridor.
Aviana and Evelyn’s faces showed fright as people of all ages were rushing about with panic. The girls quickly ran down the narrow hall and up the long tortuous metal staircase leading to the main deck of the ship. Aviana noticed the stairs were quite slippery as water began pooling on each stair. She began feeling worried but didn’t want to scare Evelyn so they kept heading up. When they finally reached the top a blast of cold air hit their faces and they hair began blowing furiously in the wind. The deck was full of panicked individuals yelling out in worry. The girls ages 8 and 6 still were wondering what all of this fuss was about. “Let’s try and find mum and dad” yelled Aviana her voice barely audible against the violent winds and crowd of people. The little girls pushed and shoved their way around the desk, with still no sign of their parents. “Avi i’m scared, what is happening”
“I don’t know... everybody seems so worried”.
Suddenly, the ship horn sounded and screams ran through the air as the ship almost magically split into two. The true look of terror was spread onto every passengers faces as everyone slowly began sliding. Evelyn began to cry and Aviana’s feet began to slip from under her. “Eve grab on to something quick”
Both girls grabbed into a railing white-knuckled and held on for dear life. The girls watched in horror as men and women began jumping into the icy black sea below. The temperatures were nearly freezing as the cold icy water spiked their ankles. The ship began to tilt even more..
“Avi Avi i’m slipping i’m slipping”
Evelyn was now only holding onto the railing with one hand and as each second passed her fingers seemed to freeze and her whole body felt numb.
And then she fell.
“EVELYN” Aviana screamed
Aviana quickly let go as well and both girls began sliding down the glazed deck, in by inch becoming closer and closer to the black water below where many others had already faced their doom.
Bodies were faced down in the water, numb and not breathing.
They were inches away from the same fate.
This mighty unsinkable ship was going to sink and so were they.
“Avi”, Evelyn sobbed, “are we going to die”
“No, evey someone will save us” , I know it. Aviana spoke also trying to convince herself.
The girls couldn’t feel their feets, their hands, or any part of their body.
Nothing could stop them as they submerged into the freezing atlantic ocean.
Aviana and Evelyn struggled to stay afloat as the water was deep and was so cold it felt like knives against their skin. Neither one could talk as they realized their fate.
It was the end, or so they thought.
A lifeboat filled with lucky survivors passed along Aviana and Evelyn. Women screamed out as they noticed the two little girls were still alive. They were pulled restlessly out of the black waters and onto the small boat where the tear stained, half frozen girls were given blankets.
They were okay, however thousands of people weren’t so lucky.
Aviana and Evelyn’s parents were never seen again. The titanic changed the lives of many forever. This is an event that will be remembered in history forever.

The author's comments:

I thought it would be a very interesting idea to write about the titanic from a perspective nobody had heard before 


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