My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 28, 2018
By zepplin1975 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
zepplin1975 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Garrett. Garrett is an anglo-saxon names which means “rules by the spear.” In colonial time my name was rarely used as a first name but was instead used as a last name. I like to think of my name is like my favorite color. It is a deep purple that has the balance of a calm blue and a chaotic red. That embodies me perfectly, I'm always all over the place looking like I have a thousand things I need to get done, yet I always seem to be calm and collected in a situation where most people would be freaking out.

I was not named after everyone in my family, so I am almost sure I am one of the only “Garretts” in my family. My mother was going to name me Ryan but then decided to name me Garrett. She liked Garrett better because it reminded her of the wild west and Patrick Garrett, the New Mexico lawman that hunted down Billy the Kid. I have a cousin named ryan and i'm glad that I’m not just another ryan. I am glad I have such a unique name in my family.

My friends only call me Garret now. I used to sometimes be called Gary but that was a while ago. In hindsight I really didn't care for nicknames too much. I prefer to just be called by my full name because it refers to me as who I am and not someone else that has that nickname.

The name garrett isn’t that popular name and there aren't many well known people that have my name. I hope to change that in the future by doing great things. Maybe in the future the name garrett will bring thoughts of great things to the minds of many people.

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