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December 13, 2018
By Anonymous

It was a cold and snowy fall day. School was canceled because of the 6ft of snow, it was strange that we had snow in fall,but that’s Chicago weather. My brother and I was so happy that they we were staying home from school, we stayed in bed all day, made hot chocolate and kept warm. I really bummed  at the fact my brother had to stay home from school too because we always argue all the time, nonstop, we can never get along for some reason and I don’t understand. I was walking into the living room, grabbed the remote and turned on some tv to watch my favorite Tv show. I walked into the kitchen to make some cereal and by the time I went back to sit on the couch, the show was turned to a different channel and it was my brother, sitting on the couch watching his cartoons. I very upset, but I didn’t want to go off on him and started to argue with him because I was not in the mood and I just wanted to relax. I placed my cereal on the table next to the couch, went over to my brother who was across from me, and asked him nicely can he change my channel back. “ Why did you change the TV when you knew I was watching it” I said, “ I’m sorry, I really just wanted to see what was on Tv and I didn’t know u were watching Tv” he said. I was very surprised at his response I really thought we were going to start arguing again, but I sat down and continued watching my show, and relaxed.

The next day, I woke up on the couch, I felt like I was wet, I looked down and my cereal was all over the couch, on the floor, and on me. My Mom came in the living room and started screaming, “ What Happened!!!!??” she screamed, I was too scared to tell the truth so I lied, I said my brother threw his cereal on me. “ Damien come here now!” she said, he came over, My Mom told him to clean up the mess since he threw the cereal on me. “ He’s lying” he said to my mom. He looked over at me and jumped on top of me and we started to fight, I was punching his he was punching me, we was choking each other, we were literally about to kill each other. We were back to square one.

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