Dear, Football | Teen Ink

Dear, Football

October 14, 2019
By ed_luke10 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
ed_luke10 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Dear football, 

Thank you football for everything you’ve done for me

All the hard work, all of the passion I've given to you

Since the first snap in 2nd grade                                                                                

now to my freshman year 


I’ve loved playing football

Thank you football for all for all the friends you gave me

All of the tough coaches and rough days

All the gassers, superlaps, and miles 

All the wins and losses has helped me


It's all helped me succeed

Thank you football for all of the blood, sweat and tears-

You’ve given me 

All the tough and rough games to play in you made it fun

It made me better 


Thank you football for all of the sprints you made me run 

All the weights I had to lift 

All the core workouts 

You made me stronger

Thank you football, for the fun times in the locker room with the team

The funny jokes, the messing around

and the stupidity, all of the music before games 


You made it fun


Thank you football for everything

Love you always,

Luke Edmonds 

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