The Library | Teen Ink

The Library

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

            It was dark in the room that we call a library. There were a few windows, but most were blocked by bookshelves and posters. It was quiet. Nobody else was in the library. There was nobody outside. It got darker and lighter as the clouds covered the sun. There were a few trees around the library, and their leaves moved around, dancing in the wind. There was the faint clinging of the metal chain against the tetherball poles, and scratching of leaves being blown around on the floor. Once in a while, you could hear the children walk by, their voices filling the air for a few minutes, then it would return to quiet as they went to their classes.

The author's comments:

            This is a small set piece I wrote. I was practicing describing a setting. Notice the details about sounds and what’s happening outside. I like how calm and quiet the piece is.

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