The Secret Life Of a Server | Teen Ink

The Secret Life Of a Server

December 17, 2019
By Dianaxjaimes BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dianaxjaimes BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Della got to work at 8:00 am and right when she walked in there were people there eating early. She was quickly assigned her section and put on her apron and got to work right away. She took the order of her customers she had and got to the back to set up her tray with the drinks.

    While she was waiting for the food to be ready she observes the environment around her 

    Especially the colors. She didn't really like the colors the restaurant had that were

    Orange, White and Grey.

Once the food was ready she went to go serve it to the customers and like always she asked if they needed something else. When she turned around, she happened to bump into the other waiter and syrup spilled all over her apron. 

    Della ran to the bathroom to go try to wash it out. Eventually it did, the waiter came and apologized but she said it was ok not to worry. She went back to work to check up on the customers to make sure it was ok before her boss yelled at her.

    Della after a few hours of serving she was cut to go home. She was excited because she wanted to have enough time to go to her other work. She did her side work including cleaning the syrup machine, refilling Sour Cream, and cleaning the trays. She went to go cash out walked past everybody and finally walked out of the restaurant.

Going Home

Della paused for a second and took a breath of fresh air and hearing the birds chirp on this amazing sunny day and thanked god for another blessed day. After dad she headed straight to her 2002 Maroon Jeep Cherokee to prepare to finally go home.

    Inside the car Della plugged in the aux cord and started listening to her favorite playlist 

    called “Summer Time”. She started talking outloud like she always does to remind herself 

    What to do and not forget. 

On the drive home Della drove past some stores and houses and started thinking she would like to buy a house one day. She was parked up next to this car that honked at her and realized that that was her best friend's car. After a good talk she drove away and finally made it to her driveway.

    Della stepped out of the car and saw that her neighbor got new blue flowers and green roses which she thought was weird. She waved to her neighbor who sits on the porch and went in.


When Della finally arrived home she quickly went to get her work clothes off and went to put on her pajamas for a while, while she made some lunch. She was greeted by her cat Pancha. She went to the kitchen and started making “pollo a la mexicana” which is her favorite dish.

    Once she was done making it she went to the living room with Pancha, sta on the couch 

    And turned on Netflix and put on her show “Victorious”. When she was done she went to 

    her bed and started checking her social media when she realized the time it was 6:00pm.    

    She hopped into the shower while blasting her playlist again.

Della was having a mini concert. She hopped off the shower and put on her White, Grey and Blue uniform. She did her hair and makeup and headed out the door to her next job as an FBI agent.

The author's comments:

I decided to write this piece somewhat related to me because I work as a server as well.

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