Dreams | Teen Ink


December 15, 2020
By ConnerF BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
ConnerF BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I ever watched basketball was when I was 8 and my Dad showed me this Michael Jordan Highlight, that's when I knew I wanted to play, as I got older I started to study more players and tried to copy how they moved. I'd always play my brother in the backyard but I'd never win. For my 10 birthday my parents bought Cleveland Cavaliers and my favorite player was playing for them at the time. His name is Kyrie Irving, that's who I try to play like now. He's a great point guard who knows the floor so well, he's very shifty and hard to guard and also a really good guy off the court.






One of the biggest reasons I wanna play is because of the money, lebron james makes 39.22 million dollars every year and he’s considered one of the greatest players of all time. He’s a good player but not the greatest we all know who that is. I want to play because i love the sport with everything in me and I wanna help out my family because they've done so much for me and believed in me when no one else did there my biggest inspirations and there what makes basketball fun for me. No matter what, there by my side through thick and thin. I can't wait to get my first check. I'm buying my mom and dad a big house so they don't have to worry about anything anymore. It's really rare to get into the NBA but anythings possible. I have so many people that are telling me not to give up. I might as well just give up, but I'm not going to. I'm gonna push myself even more to prove to you that I’m good and I can make it. There's only one NBA player I've watched that went straight to the NBA from out of highschool and that was Kobe Bryant, he was one of the best players I’ve seen he could do everything but on january 26, 2020 he passed away from a helicopter crash, he was also with his daughter. It's very hard to make it in the NBA. The chances are “ NCAA senior players drafted by an NBA team: Less than one in 75, or 1.3 percent. -- High school senior players eventually drafted by an NBA team: About three in 10,000, or 0.03 percent. That's roughly the chance of getting four of a kind in the first round of draw poker.” If I don't make it I want to go play overseas because they still make a lot of money and you could still get recognized if you're good enough. I want to play in college at my dream college which is Duke. They have a great team and great academics.”With a GPA of 4.13, Duke requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants. You should also have taken plenty of AP or IB classes to show your ability to excel in academic challenge.” 

Basketball throughout the years has evolved into a great game. You have highschoolers who are 6’7 and doing dunks NBA players can't do. It's extremely fun to watch these highschoolers and see where they started and how far they have come. There's a kid named Jalen Green, the number 1 high school basketball player in America just went into the G league, if you don't know what that is, I'll explain,”The NBA G League, or simply the G League, is the National Basketball Association's official minor league basketball organization. The league was known as the National Basketball Development League from 2001 to 2005, and the NBA Development League from 2005 until 2017.” Now you know my dream and what I want to do when I'm older.

The author's comments:

Im explaining how much I love basketball

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