What's a Soulmate? | Teen Ink

What's a Soulmate?

March 22, 2021
By Karasuno_Number_1_Shorty BRONZE, Van Wert, Ohio
Karasuno_Number_1_Shorty BRONZE, Van Wert, Ohio
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     As teens, some of us who love writing or reading fanfic, often come across things called soulmates. Or maybe you came across it playing a video game, or a friend was talking about it. The one common question though is what really is a soulmate? 

     No one wants Google to answer that. If you do well I don't know what kind of person you are. No offense. 

     Let me tell you what I think of a soulmate. 

     A soulmate is someone who loves you unconditionally whether it is romantic or not, I believe a soulmate isn't always a lover, I believe they may just be your best friend who's overly protective of you vise versa.

     I believe a soulmate is someone that no matter how many lives you live, you will always find each other. A soulmate is not someone who we search for. A soulmate is that little miracle that everyone searches for in their lives.

     A soulmate is someone in your life that will be at your side no matter how bad a situation may be. When I think of a soulmate my first thought goes to a recent story I read, it's a ship from the anime/manga series Haikyuu!! The ship is called BokuAka, the story is called "In Another Life" while it made me cry my eyes out for 2 hours straight the ending is rather blissful in a way. 

     Akaashi is dreaming at least from what I can recall and he sees Bokuto in his dream. The last words of the story are something like the following:

"...' I found you '..."

"...' You found me.'"

-In Another Life

     While you may question why I bring such a thing into this, I will explain. It is because when I think of soulmate, those words, and that title, pop into my head. The ending makes you think that no matter the fact, even after he's dead, he found him in another life. 

     A soulmate is not simply going to show up on your doorstep, and searching for them won't do any good, for no matter how impossible it may seem, a soulmate will find their way into your life, a soulmate is tied to your soul, it's an invisible string that no one can see. Your soulmate is out there somewhere, do not think you are unloved because someone will always love you, always, even if you haven't found your soulmate, and maybe you already have, remember to thank the world for such a blessing, because we only have on heart, and it doesn't take much to give it away.

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