The Subway of Life | Teen Ink

The Subway of Life

April 7, 2021
By Anonymous

A couple stood on a subway train. As they reached the stop they hugged and kissed each other. The female was getting off but the male was staying on. “Goodbye” she says as the train moves away. The man kneeled down on his knees and cried. The station the woman had entered didn’t allow you to get back on. 

The man got off at the next station. He sat in the corner with other outcast and depressed men. One by one they left him and boarded trains elsewhere until he was all alone. Eventually one day he boarded a random train. The people inside were very kind to him, but he wasn’t in a position to accept it. 

After a couple of stops he got off. The station he entered was a raucous of partying and drunkenness. The man joined in but only felt himself become sadder and more lonely. A week later he boarded another random train. The people aboard were serious and rude. The man was forced out at the next stop by the leader after they had clashed verbally. 

The new station was old and smelly. The people there gave him food and water. But most importantly they gave him a place of stability and comfort. He stayed there for many months coming to terms with himself. Eventually they gave him a slip with the next train to ride. He was initially scared of what could occur if he left as he didn’t trust himself, but they encouraged him it was good to move on.

The people inside were nice and hardworking. Here he stayed for many years building a place for himself. He became the leader of the train and helped many young men find their place. Eventually though he had to get off.

As he got off a familiar woman embraced him. “Hello” she says as they hug and kiss each other. They walked up the stairs leaving the subway behind them, going onward.

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