Miles Morales Villain Speech | Teen Ink

Miles Morales Villain Speech

September 19, 2023
By Anonymous

I am Miles Morales

Some might know me as Spider-man

Spiderman, I always thought it was meant to be 

It came to me so naturally

took some time but 

It felt so right, felt like it was meant for me

Losing my uncle was tough but…

I am not willing to lose him. 

He’s the man that has been by my side

From diapers to the suit I made 

He’s the man I would kill for…

The Spider society, spider society, society… 

I always thought I needed a spot in that 


Ha, no quite the opposite

They needed me, 

“Being Spider-man is a sacrifice.” 

Ha that sounds like an excuse

You lost your daughter 

You couldn’t stop it from happening

I won’t lose my father

And I’lll do anything in my power to make sure of it 

You have a choice you said, either

“Saving one person and saving every world”

I will save as many as I can, but I will make sure 

Make sure that you don’t get in my way

This is only the beginning of the worst

And if you weren’t able to stop me the first time, 

What makes you think that you’ll be able to stop me now 

“You’re a mistake!”

“You don’t belong here. You never did.”

“It was never supposed to bite you?”

“You’re the original anomaly!”

“You’re just a kid”

Tried to bring me down


Honestly I am used to disappointing people 

I tried but Miguel, you’re going to be the reason 

The reason why the spider society will go down

One way or another, I will make sure.

Make sure I am the last thing you see

And Gwen 

My dear “friend”

You tricked me, and I fell for it 

I fell for you

How pathetic I was 

When you said 

“In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man. And in every other universe, it doesn’t end well.“

I should've listened 

I feel betrayed

The person I thought I could trust’

The person whom I thought I had a connection with

She tricked me and played with me. 

Right now I don’t know

I don’t know how I should feel 

But honestly

I don’t care anymore

Always knew I should’ve stuck with my family

And now you know

That I am now your biggest enemy 

You guys might think this is a joke

But its not

I know what I am doing 

My friend the Prowler

He’s taught me a few things

And I will do anything i can 

To destroy the Spider Society

And anyone who gets in my way

Even if it is the last thing I do

The author's comments:

This was a school assignment. 

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