Onomatopeia | Teen Ink


May 3, 2024
By Anonymous

He opened the old door with a creak. just then he heard one of the floorboards thud and break. He carefully made his way down the stairs until he got to the bottom. He flipped the light switch with a click and after a long pause the lights flickered on loudly buzzing. Just then he screamed seeing a cow mooing a pig oinking a cat meowing and a dog barking. He was flabbergasted as to why they would be down there but as he turned away he heard a rustle than a sizzle and finally a beep behind him he flicked back towards the animals to see that they had disappeared he was even more puzzled than before. He walked nervously towards where they had just been when his feet splashed around soaking and freezing in a puddle that had not been there before and there was a slight burning smell in the air. Suddenly he heard a boom and a click coming from the top of the stairs he then saw that the door had been shut by someone or something and he darted up the stairs almost falling as he went he started knocking and banging on the door with all of his might but nothing changed. He was trapped.

He sat their as white as a Ghost thinking to himself how this was the weirdest day ever and how he was going to get out of the basement. He tried to repeat what the animals had done jumping and splashing around in the puddle they had left but nothing was working. He lied down resting on the bottom of the stairs realizing he would be stuck there forever. He closed his eyes slowly but when he opened them he was back in his bed. "Come down for breakfast!" his mom said.

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