(Promo) Nox | Teen Ink

(Promo) Nox

October 8, 2009
By Noxgene BRONZE, Esbjerg, Other
Noxgene BRONZE, Esbjerg, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Psalm 23:4

The child watched on intrigued, enchanted and bewildered as the woman infront of him was dragged out by two cloaked men.
Her screams of pain and anguish filled the stone hall, as she was dragged out by her ankels. Clawing the wet, cold slated floor helplessly ripping her nails from her fingers tips
as the doors closed and cut her off from the childs view.

As a blanket of comforting silence drapped the room, the child walked carefully over to the bloodied trails on the cold slated floor, trailing a well worned and dirty teddy bear behind him, tightly clentching it in his small hand.
He shivered as he squated down with his finger in his mouth, and the dirty beat hugged into his chest, quirking his head to the side puzzled by the dark red subtance on the floor.
He sat there mezmorized by this new color, as the icy cold slate sent chills up through his bare feet, creeping up his spine and into the back of his skull.
He smeared the subtance out on the wet floor, making picture of some sort, before lying down beside it, curled up on the floor with bear held into his chest.

The author's comments:
Tbh I dont give a buggery about spelling, its a story, either read it and enjoy it or dont read it at all.

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