Can't take it with you | Teen Ink

Can't take it with you

August 3, 2010
By Kiernanskrazy BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
Kiernanskrazy BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What is sleep after all but the process by which we dumped our insanity into a deep dark subconcious pit and came out on the other side ready to eat cereal instead of the neighbors children -- Jeff Lindsay

“You can’t take it with you” the man informed me, if you could really call him a man. Sure he has the appearance for the most part, back hair, nice gray suit but the six-foot wings sprouting from his back made me question if the title “man” could be at all linked to him.
“ma’am” he said in a sharper tone brutally yanking me from my mental search for his title.
“That crucifix, you can’t take it with you, no material possessions” he said seemingly frustrated that he had to repeat his message
“Oh, I didn’t even remember that” I told him while removing my necklace
“Feels so weird, I haven’t taken it off since my grandmother gave it to me”. He smiled and gave a nod that easily read ‘I really don’t care about your life’ and as I began to walk away I began to think about my life.
Every summer since I was sixteen I went on a cruise, usually to the Bahamas. It cost a pretty penny but I loved it. Then there’s my car, the car I paid off not 7 months ago. If I had know about this, and the ‘no material possessions’ rule I would have spend my money on something more useful. Shoes maybe, charity, never hurts your feet to be a good person. I suppose it is a good rule though. No competition over who makes more money or who has the prettier things because in the end that’s not what life is about. Who has more money or more houses doesn’t matter, who has more compassion or even more love does. Unfortunately I only see that now. All I use to see was money, cars, cruises, cell phones and more money. Now it’s all spewing from the mouth of the being in the grey suit, the last glimpse of humanity and the loss of everything you possessed in it. Come to think of it, I’m happy I died.

The author's comments:
Wrote this in my creative writing class.

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