Song to Story- Dysfunctional Life | Teen Ink

Song to Story- Dysfunctional Life

December 13, 2012
By Cecherico SILVER, Woodland Park, Colorado
Cecherico SILVER, Woodland Park, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dysfunctional Life
“He was screaming at me and telling me how he wanted anyone but me, he said he’d never come back!”
“Kelly, listen to me, how many times has he done this?”
Kelly choked back her salty tears to answer the question, “A lot…”
“Ok, and what always happens? He always comes back. So what are you worrying about hun?”

“I don’t know. Thanks Jen, you always know what to say. I’ll talk to you later.” Kelly hung up the phone.
Seconds later she heard a knock. Kelly knew immediately who it was; she took a deep breath, and headed for the door. Opening it, she saw Mark standing before her. He wrapped his arms tight around her and kissed her. Giggling a little bit she looked at him and said, “I guess this means you’re sorry?”

“Baby, I was stupid for telling you goodbye.”

“No Mark, I was wrong for trying to pick a fight. I know that I’ve got issues.”
Mark laughed, “Yeah...” Kelly was a little taken back by his response, she barked back, “But you’re pretty messed up to!”

“Either way,” Mark said, “I’m nothing without you.”

“Could you hang on just for one second?”

“Sure...” Mark responded confused.
As quick as a 100 meter dash sprinter, Kelly rushed to her bedroom and dialed Jen up, “Jen! He’s back, he came back already! It’s never happened this quickly before!” Kelly was happier than a hungry lion at a petting zoo.

“Kelly that’s great! It really is, but I just have one quick question.”

Eagerly Kelly responded, “Sure, anything!”
“What the heck are you doing? You know that being with him is so dysfunctional. You two are like cats and dogs, or oil and water. You just don’t mix! So why are you doing this to yourself?”

“Cause we belong together! We’re forever united here on this earth somehow. He’s got a piece of me, you obviously don’t understand.” Kelly hung up the phone and ran back out to Mark. “Mark, I’ve thought long and hard about everything I would say to you if I got the chance. You snapped my heart like a twig.”

“Wait Kelly, before you…”

“No Mark! I have too much to say, you need to just let me finish, I know I shouldn’t miss you, but I can’t let you go. You have a piece of me that I’ll never have again, and love you so much, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you, and what you’re doing, I know that we were meant to be together forever, and even when we have these ups and downs I know that you’ll always be with me. You’re like air and water, I need those to live, and I need you.” Kelly went on like a screaming baby, she just wouldn’t stop.

“Wow, this is really…”

“Wait! One last thing,” She grabbed Marks hand which had gone cold. “I want you to know that my life would suck without you.”

“Are you done now, because things are about to get pretty awkward. Everything you said was really nice and all, but the thing is, when you left to go talk on the phone with your friend. That really made me mad. You couldn’t see it behind my hazel eyes. But it was like a slap in the face, and I’m starting to think that you and I would just be better off without each other, you know? Like maybe we should just be friends. And while were being honest, you said your life would suck without me, but I kind of think mine would suck with you.”
Mark awkwardly laughed, “Is that too mean? I’m sorry. I hope you don’t take it to heart. It was good seeing you again though, I’m glad we got things straightened out.” Mark could smell the tension in the room, so he smiled obdurately and slammed the door in her face.

Kelly felt the blood rush to her face, she let out a blood curdling scream and starting sobbing. She rushed to the phone to call Jen, but and when Jen answered Kelly could feel the tension through the phone. “Jen, he left again! He just walked…”

“What makes you think for a second that I want to talk to you after you yelled at me and hung up on me? We are not best friends, and we’re over!”

“What?” Kelly began crying harder, “You can’t do this to me Jen, My life would suck…” *Click* the phone hung up. “Without you…”

The author's comments:
This is a story based of of the song, 'My Life Would Suck Without You' by Kelly Clarkson

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