An Amazing World | Teen Ink

An Amazing World

December 15, 2013
By Gabi Reyes BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Gabi Reyes BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year is 2222, and you are getting ready for school, the same exact way you had for the rest of your life. You put on your mandated grey and black uniform, make sure your hair is combed to the right side and your shoes are double laced. You put your three orange folders and two green binders into your backpack facing the left, and zip it up to exactly the middle, making sure the straps are tightened three-quarters tight. You eat an apple, a bowl of oatmeal, and drink two glasses of milk, just like every other Monday of your life since you could chew food. You walk along the designated line down your sidewalk up to the bus as it pulls up right on time, like every other day, and take the window seat to the left ten seats back. You sit your backpack on the ground in between your legs and fold your hands in your lap, staring out the window at the rows of houses that all look exactly the same. If you didn’t know any better, you would say your life was quite boring, doing the same things every day over and over again. Of course, you didn’t know any better, and were completely content with life. You walked off of the bus and into Mrs. Smith’s class room along with the rest of your class in a single file line, and sat in the middle row, second seat back. You placed one pen on the desk the same time as everyone else, then pulled out one of your folders and opened it to pull out a piece of paper, just like your class. Nothing about anyone in class was different; everyone looked, talked, and acted the same. It was just the way life was. The government had decided it before you were born. Sometimes during scheduled history hour, you would see old photos of people from the past. They all had different clothes with different colors, and different kinds of hairstyles. Everything looked different, no one was the same. It was so shocking; how could they live like that? How could people live people different? Wouldn’t they argue and fight about the things that made them different? It seemed completely absurd to you. It also seemed completely absurd to everyone else in the class as well. Of course, you all had the same opinions on subjects. All of you enjoyed math, you all thought giraffe’s looked funny with long necks; Rollercoasters were very exciting and painting was alright. Nobody thought differently from anyone else. Nobody thought differently and told someone else at least. You once heard a story that someone once disagreed with a teacher. They were never seen again after that. How terrible, you thought. You also thought it was crazy to have a different opinion than someone else; everyone else did too. Why be different when you could all just be the same?

The author's comments:
This piece is a satire, made to describe how having everyone the same would be such a lovely world, when in reality it would be boring and monotonous and strange.

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