Left Behind. | Teen Ink

Left Behind.

November 7, 2014
By Colorguard23 SILVER, Mayslick, Kentucky
Colorguard23 SILVER, Mayslick, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"But we're supposed to be in this together!" Eve protested grabbing desperately at the violent tornado that was Dean. The bombshell had just come out. Eve was pregnant. Her parents were furious and his was all but ready to disown him. Eve winced at the resounding thud of the suitcase hitting the floor of the pick up truck. Dean turned on her with torment in his  gorgeous eyes. Dean knew the truth. The thing growing inside of her wasn't his.  Eve had been raped by the demon Berith and she was now carrying his demon spawn. Eve stared up at him, hope spilling out of her eyes. " I can't do this Eve," He choked out slipping his arm out from under her hand " That thing is growing stronger everyday. I'll have to kill it one day. I can't grow attached to it." He opened the door and slid into the rich leather seat of his truck. He looked back to see tears welling in his beloved fiancés eyes the sight nearly breaking his heart. A whimper escaped Eve's throat as she watched the only man she had ever loved drive out of her life.


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