Number 13 | Teen Ink

Number 13

November 20, 2014
By melody kuo BRONZE, Senoia, Georgia
melody kuo BRONZE, Senoia, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen”- George Orwell 1984

The school bells rang as the children piled out of school. Some smiled, others laughed, but no one was as happy as Alexa. She skipped, she giggled, she shouted with glee because today was her birthday. School let out early because it was a half day, and so she had more time to play with her friends. She rushed home as fast as her feet could carry her, but for some reason she felt a creeping chill. She froze and looked around, but she saw nothing. Alexa decided it was just the April wind and she continued to run home.

Swinging the door open, she smells her mom cooking something delightful smelling. Her friends were going to come over to stay the night since it was her 13th birthday. There was still time though for her to go and play with them. She yelled a hello to her mom and rushed to change and go to the park. Skipping out the door, her mom reminded her to be careful. Already knowing she needed to be careful, she didn’t stop to answer. “I’m always careful Alexa thought as she ran, “so there’s no need for her to constantly remind me!” The moment she thought those words she tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and almost fell, but she caught herself before that happened. Alexa scolded herself and continued to run to the park.

She saw her friends and waved at them. At that moment she stepped in a pile of poop and it made the worst sound ever. It was a mix between a squish and a splat. Her favorite shoes, ruined by the droppings of an animal, made her smile falter a bit. Her friends saw what happened and laughed and said “Turning 13 has made you unlucky!” Karina, her best friend, said “Don’t worry! I doubt anything bad is going to happen the rest of today.” However, Darlene said, “You’re turning 13, bad things are still going to happen!” Alexa was confused as to who she should believe so she pushed the incident out of her mind and focused on fun. It was her birthday after all so she shouldn’t worry, even if it was her 13th birthday.

They played tag and she tripped and fell into an ant pile, but she quickly brushed them off and continued playing. The carousel was lots of fun except that some people bruised their shins while jumping on; Alexa was one of them. Alexa was bruised, she had ant bites, and her optimism was dwindling, but then she remembered that the day was not over and it could still be a wonderful birthday. Anything that could possibly happen in the park had happened, so there shouldn’t be anything that could hurt her now. She woke up from her dazed thoughts and joined in on the conversations. Nothing interested her so she said her good byes and farewells. Karina said, “Can’t wait to see you tonight! This is going to be really fun!” Darlene said, “Be careful! It’s still you 13th birthday!” Alexa turned around while walking and yelled, “You’re right, but my luck is going to change starting now!” As those words left her mouth, she saw her friends scream and she looked to the side to see a bright light and then darkness; she felt everything and then nothing.

The cold air in April felt colder. Faint echoes of the ambulance were heard in the whispering wind. The cries in the emergency room, the elongated beep of the heart monitor, all of it traveled in the wind. The clocks were singing a melancholy sound as they struck thirteen on the bright, cold April day.

The author's comments:

My writing teacher told us to pick a beginning sentence of a book and take it wherever we wanted to. I went with this.

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