My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

November 20, 2014
By Andrew Shepherd SILVER, Peachtree City, Georgia
Andrew Shepherd SILVER, Peachtree City, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“My Name”

As he stepped out onto the balcony, the roar from the crowd became louder and louder. He stood there, letting the crowd’s cheers wash over him for a minute. He then raised his hand, indicating for the crowd to quiet down. “You know, I really am not that good at public speaking.” The crowd is now fully entranced with the mystery man on the balcony. “Two years ago, I made a wish. A wish that, until this day, had haunted me,” said the man. “I am just so happy that I am able to speak to you all after two years without any company, alone, in the world. Searching for something, anything to help.” The crowd now started to stir, soaking in the power behind the man’s voice. “I was so scared, knowing that if I made one mistake, I was gone. Lost to the wind, never to be heard from again. But, every time I felt like it was over, I thought to myself, ‘What if you die, what will happen?’ I would never have known anyone. I was alone, you know, before this. In a confusing and messed up world.” The crowd can’t believe what they are hearing, one civilian even shouts, “What do you mean, alone, you had many friends!” “No, I didn’t,” said the man. “I may have appeared to have company about me, but those were all just interested in my wealth, my power, my knowledge.” As the man uttered these words, a strong breeze blew through the courtyard, the stench of betrayal in the air. “This is a world of vile cheating and lies. But I remained strong, for I knew that I could help change that. This time, I won’t fail you.” The man started to walk back into the ginormous fortress, completely separated from everything. “Wait!!” a woman yells. “What’s your name?” The man turns, as if the question jarred a memory lose inside his head. He stares back over the audience one final time, then turns to enter his massive den. But as he crosses the threshold, he turns his head. His next words were spoken as if one were talking to a dear friend, quiet, but firm. “My name, Its…Jordan, call me Jordan.”

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