Snow Day Miracle | Teen Ink

Snow Day Miracle

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

Waking up in the morning to a ground covered white and the news that they had a snow day made the boys happier than they have ever been. While Charlie was in the tough grade of two Peter was only in kindergarten. They sprang out of bed and started to make their Eggo frozen waffles. Since Charlie is the oldest he pushes Peter around so they start to bicker.

    “Boys stop that!” Their mom said knowing she was in for a long day, “How about you guys go outside and build a snowman.”

    “No I’m gonna stay inside and play computer games, it’s too cold out there.” Charlie responded roughly

    “But Charlie, I want to build a snowman, we HAVE to!” Peter said with a sense of fear that he wouldn’t be able to get one built.

    “Charlie after you finish your breakfast, take you brother out to the backyard and build a snowman with him, I’ll be inside if you need anything, and no buts.”

    Grumpily Charlie finished his breakfast and went up stairs to get changed into his proper snow clothing. Figuring he can probably build that stupid snowman in an hour or so his mood lightens up a little. Still a tad salty he has to build it, he plans on throwing a snowball at Peter as soon as they get outside.

    “Charlie are you ready yet, I WANT to build a snowman.” Peter yells up at Charlie.

    “Gosh stop yelling. I’m coming down now!” Charlie yells back as he completes his snowball throwing plan. He drags his feet as he slowly walks down the stairs to his stupid brother. They walk outside and as soon as the sliding glass door shuts Charlie picks up the nearest snow and forms it into a ball. He pelts it at the back of Peters head and Peter freezes, turns around and starts balling.

    “Stop crying you little wuss, it’s just a snowball!” Charlie sighs and takes a few steps towards him.

    “GET AWAY FROM ME! I’M TELLING!!!!” Peter screams as he runs inside. Charlie figures he isn’t in much trouble because it was a measly snowball. He starts rolling some snow into a ball for the base of the snowman when he hears the sliding door shoot open and his mom scream outside,

    “CHARLIE GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!” Charlie goes pale as he walks slowly to the door to almost certain death, the wrath of his mom. He gulps and says one last prayer as he arrives to the door.

    “That was naughty! Apologize to your brother right now!”

    “I’m sorry Peter,” Charlie says as he hangs his head in shame.

    “Now as your punishment you have to build whatever Peter wants,” the mom said scowling down.

    “But mom-“

    “NO BUTS! You should get a spanking but I’m being nice since it’s a snow day. Now go.” So Charlie and Peter go back out to the yard and start building the snowman. They finish the base of the snowman and put the lumpy ball in a good spot to see from the house. Moving on to the snowman’s middle section they see a flash of light out of the corner of their eyes.

    “What was that?” Peter asks Charlie, which breaks the awkward silence. Charlie responds by just shrugging his shoulders and breathing out heavily, still mad at their mom for his punishment. They continue to make the snowman as they put the second piece on, they feel heat coming from the bottom lumpy ball.

    “Charlie what’s wrong with this snow, I thought it was supposed to be cold?” Peter asks confused.

    “Nothing is wrong with it, you’re imagining things. Let’s get to work.” Peter didn’t protest and in the following 10 minutes they complete the head of the snowman and pick it up to put on the top. They have to stand on their toes and reach as high as possible to balance the head on top. The head doesn’t fall off so they go inside to get some buttons and a carrot. Charlie stays inside to watch SportsCenter and warm up for a few minutes as Peter goes outside. Seconds later Peter rushes back in and yells at Charlie to come back outside. He rolls his eyes and gets up from the brown leather couch.

    As Charlie reaches the door snow starts falling again, but a little more heavily. Charlie walks outside and his eyes widen to the size of eggs. The snowman is growing legs and standing up all by himself.

    “Give me my eyes and nose please,” the snowman expresses with joy. Peter quickly puts the buttons and carrot on the snowman’s face. He twists his neck as if he were cracking it and all of a sudden arms shoot out of the body and the spheres turn into a muscular human body, that’s still made of snow. He sits down on the ground next to Peter, who is in awe with the miracle.

    “Can you do magic Mr. Snowman?” Peter asks excitedly

    “No I cannot, sorry son. But please call me Carrot, Mr. Carrot-Sneezer. I come from the North Pole, Santa’s workshop and I need to leave pronto.” The snowman says standing up, “I really must get going kids, it was nice meeting you.” Peter tugs on the snowman to stay as Charlie still watches in shock and hasn’t said a word since he came out side, still frozen in place.

    “PLEASE stay Mr. Carrot, we’ll give you some cookies and milk!” Peter says trying his hardest to persuade the nice snowman.

    “No son I’m not Santa, I really have to go,” Peter starts crying as he starts walking away. Mr. Carrot is halfway up the hill when the gates fling open and three dozen elves pour into the backyard.

    “Freeze Sneezer we’ve got you red handed!” The elves chant

    “NO DON’T HURT HIM!” Peter cries out. Mr. Carrot drops to his knees and put his hands in the air. One elf rushes over to put him in handcuffs, but before he can get the second wrist in them Mr. Carrot jumps up and makes a run to the edge of the yard. Climbing up the wooden fence the leader of the elves yells “FIRE!” and they all shoot darts and Sneezer falls to the ground going into a deep sleep. For Peter it all happens in slow-motion and all he can do is cry. Another elf comes over to him and pats Peter’s back as he tries to explain to him what the situation is.

    “See kid Mr. Carrot over here tried to abandon Santa’s workshop security and we had to take him back, he’s not dead, just asleep.”

    “Well how come he just popped out of the ground?” Peter questions sniffling.

    “The reason he came out of you ground is because when a snowman runs away he gets trapped underground until either one of two things happens. First possibility is that we find him underground in a matter of days, this is what happens most of the time. The second possibility is that the snowman takes the form of the next snowman that is built anywhere in the world. In our case your town of Cornville happens to be the only place with snow so he came here.”  Peter nods even though he still has a hard time understanding because, after all, he is only in kindergarten. He walks back towards the house as the elves leave the property. Peter opens the door to find Charlie back watching SportsCenter on the couch. They don’t speak after the miracle that just happened out in the backyard.


*    *    *
    Two months later just as the boys are starting Christmas break from school they get a letter in the mail that has five words on it. “I need your help - Carrot.” They drop the letter in shock.

The author's comments:

I like snow

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