After The Wedding | Teen Ink

After The Wedding

April 29, 2015
By baileyalice222 SILVER, Ida Grove, Iowa
baileyalice222 SILVER, Ida Grove, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

"Charming..." I murmur, still reveling in the warmth of the night before.
    Slowly, I come out of my deep sleep. The first thing I notice, is how hard the mattress is, much harder than I remember from last night. And the air smells... musty and.. damp. Sitting up, I slowly open my eyes. Gasping, my mouth drops open. This is not the room of grandeur that I spent the night in with Charming. It is a dungeon. And furthermore, I am not alone. There are many other girls here, all looking at me.
    "Are you thirsty?" A pretty girl with black hair asks.
    All I can do is nod. She smiles at me and rises from her own small bed, and proceeds to a water pitcher and a cup on a small stand that I hadn't noticed before. Still smiling, she comes back and hands the cup to me. I take a sip and almost gag. It does not taste good at all.
    "I know", says the same black-haired girl, "You get used to it after awhile."
    Again, I nod, sipping my water. Somehow I manage to finish it off. I drop my hands to my lap, the tears finally starting to fall. I feel many arms close around me as I cry. It seems that every girl in the room feels sorry for my fate, whatever it is.
    Eventually, when I stop crying a different girl asks, "So what's your name?"
    "Cinderella", I say, " What is your's?"
    "Mine's Elizabeth", says the black-haired girl.
    "And mine's Rosaline", says the blond girl who first asked me.
    "Arianna" says another.
    "Grace", yet another says
    "Rebecca", says the last girl.
    "So, how did I get here? Who put me here?"
    They all kind of glance at each other, biting their lips. Finally, Elizabeth says, "Well, I don't know how else to break it to you, so here it goes," she takes a deep breath, "Prince Charming brought you here."
My eyes widen, as I put a hand to my mouth, "Charming? But he said that he loved me. We got married and--"
    I am cut off by the door slamming open. My throat catches. It is Prince Charming. He shuts the door behind him and then slowly strolls in towards us, eyes full of lust. All traces of charm and gentle mannerisms gone. I scoot far back until I am pressed against the wall. He is not the man that I married.
    "I see that you have met the others", he says to me as he comes to a stop in front of all of us, "Who shall be my company today?"
    He lets his eyes rest on each and every one of us. When his eyes jump to me, they stay there for awhile longer. I feel Rosaline stiffen beside me when this happens. Suddenly, Charming reaches out his arm, grasping mine and dragging me up. I hear one of the other girls whisper no, but Charming doesn't seem to hear. At least, if he did, he chose not to give heed to it, or listen. Charming drags me into another room off of our bigger room. One that I hadn't noticed earlier.
    Once we have entered, he shuts the door behind us, locking it, "Just so no one decides to rescue you", he says and then crushes me to him in a rough kiss. Any love I have for him flees in this moment. My heart wished for the wrong thing.

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