The mission | Teen Ink

The mission

May 13, 2015
By Austin Dettmer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Austin Dettmer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a couple that was madly in love. Austin and peach were inseparable, or so they thought. One day they were just hanging out with austins pet dragon one day when a wizard appeared out of no where snatched up peach and the disappeared with some teleportation spell. This infuriated austin and he then got his pet dragon ready to leave and try and track down peach. They left soon after peach was taken and tried to find her scent so they could track her but his dragon couldn't pick up her scent so they were lost just meandering around trying to find her. Austin then decided that the next day they would travel to mount olympus where the evil wizards were known to be. It was about two day trip there even with the dragon carrying him. When they arrived at the base of the mountain it was nearly nightfall, so austin decided that he would sleep there and wait til morning to go up and inspect the mountain for her so he could have a better view. Since there was no shelter he chose to just sleep under the wing of his dragon. When he awoke at the break of dawn the next morning austin got up and got on his dragon and  started from the bottom of the mountain working his way up looking in every cave or small hole he could find. “I am determined to find her, nothing can stop me now” said Austin.

Once he got towards the top of the mountain austin spotted a cave with a fairly big entrance that he could just sense Peach was inside. He landed his dragon behind a boulder quietly and poked his head around the corner of it to try and see if he could spot peach and the wizard. Relieved that he saw his girlfriend Peach he thought up of a quick and easy plan to get her out. Austin got back on his dragon and waited for the wizard to have his back turned so he could fly in, grab Peach and get out of there. The wizard turned and austin flew in, grabbed Peach and got out! It went exactly as planned, austin needed to finish off the wizard though so he went to the top of the mountain and said “Peach, wait here as i go and destroy that evil wizard who kidnapped you from me” 
“My hero, be safe Austin, i don't want to loose you again”  said peach. Austin then swooped down on his dragon back into the cave where the wizard was standing, next thing he did was have his dragon unleash his fire breath on him. The wizard was roasted and Austin went back to the top of the mountain, grabbed Peach and put her on the dragon. Austin said “I love you Peach i'm never going to let you leave me again” and they lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

This is a Fairytale about a man who has to save his girl from a evil wizard with the help of his pet dragon.

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This article has 1 comment.

HudaZav SILVER said...
on May. 13 2015 at 5:56 pm
HudaZav SILVER, Toronto, Other
8 articles 6 photos 390 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

I love this piece so much! Such beautiful and vivid descriptions. Youre an awesome writer, keep it up! :) PS Could you possibly give me feedback on my novel "The Art of Letting Go"? I'd appreciate it xx