What I wish you knew | Teen Ink

What I wish you knew

July 23, 2015
By whispering-wolf GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
whispering-wolf GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
what we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes apart of us.
-Helen Keller

Hi my name is Allie and I'm dying of a brain tumor and this is my story. When I was twelve I  was diagnosed with a brain tumor, they said it was treatable (lie), At the time it was but then it grew and got worse and I wanted to share my story, so here it goes. I was scared when I was diagnosed, but I was relieved when they said it was treatable. I've been living with this tumor for five years, I'm seventeen now, and I'm scared that I'm going to die. They said the only way I'm surviving is to have a surgery, the only thing is that there's a chance I won't remember anything, I only had a week to decide.

I'm going to have the surgery, I hope I can remember everything. The day I had the surgery, and remember I'm thirteen, I was so scared. Later I was told the surgery had failed, they said I only had ten months to live, if I did survive I would never have a normal life, I would have to have chemo everyday. I can't wait to get better, this was supposed to be cired in one month, soon I'll be eighteen I can't wait. None of my friends have seen me since the surgery. Today I found out that I'm cured, no more chemo, my hair has grown back and I'm happy. The only thing is that I can't remember anything from when i had the tumor. Anyone who helped me, Thank you.

This was read at her funeral adter she died of an acidental overdose. By the end of the funeral there were no dry eyes. She had such a hard life and she was only eighteen. She will be missed terribly.  

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