Pink Bananas | Teen Ink

Pink Bananas

December 4, 2015
By A7ecRe3d BRONZE, Prarie Village, Kansas
A7ecRe3d BRONZE, Prarie Village, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I'm feeling a little tired” said the little girl as she fell to the floor in agony and pain, “Oh my god, what happened?” “I….I..don't know?”. Her mom had taken her to the hospital to see what had happened to her. The doctor was new in the building and didn't know much but he knew about these symptoms the little girl was having. “So what have you eaten in the last hour?” The doctor asked the little girl. “Well i've had donuts, from the downtown bakery...” “Ummmm...What else” “I did eat a pink banana off the sidewalk” There was a short pause in the small room, that seemed like forever. “You did what!” “Yea i mean it was just laying there, and I thought it would taste like pink lemonade, but it tasted like a million unicorns dancing in my mouth…….” “……..god, why the heck would you eat a pink freaking bannana of the sidewalk, you know what I quit this is only my first week but this is way to hard people never use common sense!” “Whelp i'm leaving now bye!” Then the has-been doctor jumped out of the two story building, landed on some bushes got up and walked to his car. “YOU KNOW THERE ARE STAIRS, RIGHT” The little girl screamed but by that time the doctor was gone.

The author's comments:

It is about a girl who eats a pink banana and gets sick

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