Stories | Teen Ink


April 1, 2016
By tengel BRONZE, Park City, Utah
tengel BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey, wanna here a spooky story?” I said. My friend replied, “No, that’s stupid. It’s like we’re at a campfire telling us those stories that we don’t believe are true and they come out to be true.” “But it’ll be fun. It’s not like were in a book or story or anything.” I exclaimed, “This is real life, there are no monsters.” My friend spoke, “No, I hate spooky stories anyways. They’re so stupid and pointless and you’d probably just tell me one I’ve heard any-.” “I’m telling it anyways. So there was this one guy in a cave and… Wait, I forgot. Dang-it, you made me forget. You just had to whine about how you hate spooky stories.” I said, cutting him off. “Good, now I don’t have to hear your little story or whatever.” I exclaimed,”But I was going to tell an awesome story! I can’t even think of another story right now.”

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