the story of the water boy | Teen Ink

the story of the water boy

May 6, 2016
By Anonymous

A 19 year old man  by the name of Chris Travis just finished his first year of college at Moore House where he studied to get his bachelor's in herbal medicine. Once the school year was over he moved back to Florida where he lives in a second house  when he’s not in school. Chris knows that in order to stay in this house he’s going to need a job. because his house is not to far from the beach, he decided to get a job as a lifeguard in order to keep up with his finances. Chris immediately applied for the job and was called in for a interview two days later.  For the interview he had a portion on  actual questions followed by  a swim test where he had to swim 300 meters straight and tread water with only his legs for 2 minutes.

Chris completed the exercise successfully and waited to hear back from the job after they looked at his background check which Chris knew was clear so he confident that  he was about to get the job. After a week or so  Chris gets a call congratulating him on getting  the job and needs to come in for training and certification. So Chris went into the lifeguard training facility the next day and after a week of training he was put to work on the Miami beach where he was excited to work for all of the big booty women that go there. Which was probably his biggest problem because he was getting distracted easily from so many beautiful women that he couldn’t focus on his job and make sure that nobody drowned. Until one day he was watching the bay and started talking to some girls and didn’t see that there was a man drowning in the water and didn’t see him until people started yelling
Then Chris sprinted as fast as he could to go and save the drowning man but by the time he brought him to shore the man was unconscious with water filled in his lungs. Chris performs CPR on the victim for over 15 minutes and right before he thought he might not be able to save him the man wakes up spitting out water and gasping for air. Then is transported to the nearest hospital and even though Chris saved his life he was really depressed that his love for big booty girls almost cost someone their life and started getting depressed. He began smoking weed in order to help with his depression which honestly worked for him and more and more often he found himself smoking almost everyday it seemed like. But it didn’t have a negative impact on him it actually made him better at almost everything he did. He was very focused, motivated, ambitious and it kept him in a better mood than normal, even at his job his co-workers and bosses seen a big improvement in his attitude and work ethic so they decided to give him a raise.
Once the summer was over and Chris needed to go back to school he realized he had a very extraordinary talent for music and began creating music on soundcloud which began to get a lot a plays and popular around the country. He even began doing shows and tours all across america making hit after hit song, building a fanbase, making his own clothing brand, meeting and collaborating with new artist and making even more hit songs. But after sitting down and evaluating his life and all the things that have happened to make him the person he is today he says “I’m thankful for everything, even though I almost had a man killed because of my immaturity, I’ve learned from it and now i never take anything for granted and only want to become the best person I can be”. With that being said Chris eventually went mainstream with his music bringing in a lot of attention to him worldwide and began going on world tours with fellow artist such as Xavier Wulf, Bones and Eddy Baker. These four guys then created a group call “Seshallowaterboys” which is all of their lingos put together which was posted on flyers and billboards every time they had a show in town. And even until this day they are still making music and doing what they love.  Album after album they traveled the world doing tours and making money, then one day Chris Travis got a phone call that he has been awarded a grammy which made him the first underground artist ever to win a grammy award. After Chris went to the grammy’s and came home with his award he put it in a case and gave it to his mom. She was very happy to see her son doing so well that it even brought a tear to her eye. Now everybody is claiming waterboys and every time Chris hears it he gets a very warm feeling in his body that couldn’t compare to anything in the world.

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