The worst decision ive ever made | Teen Ink

The worst decision ive ever made

May 6, 2016
By Anonymous

This is exactly why I don't take midnight walks it always feel like i'm being followed and something bad always happens and my phone died an hour ago. I feel like one of those stupid girls who end up getting hurt in scary movies. I've went and asked if I could borrow someone's phone but everyone said that their phone is either being used by their friends or just no because it is almost dead and they don't have a charger on them Ugh people these days like if they don't want me using their phone just say no, don't bite your tongue because you don't want to be rude just be upfront about it. So then I decided to start walking on the side of the road and see if anyone would help me out but of course no one came to my rescue, can this day get any worse. I shouldn't have said that because as soon as I did my neighbor came in her cherry red corvette and made sure to go in the puddle and all I know is i'm soaked now and she owes me a new outfit and pair of shoes I spent $150.00 on these shoes and i'm pretty sure it wouldn't kill her or her family to give some money to the people who need it. They have billions of dollars I mean I have money it's just I really liked these shoes they were keyword WERE cute until she got mud all over them they were black and like a neon green color and i have to plug them up to get the lights to turn on but they looked really good until she ruined them that is. When the next car came by I decided that i've had enough and i'm going to just get in front of them and hope that they won’t hit me. As I was waiting for the impact of the car it never comes instead the woman in the driver seat comes and asks why i'm standing in the middle of the road after I tell her she has me come inside her obviously new car it's the new porsche that came out in december i'm surprised she let me in it these cost a fortune she interrupted my thoughts and asks me, if I would like to stay at her home for the night because my parents surely wouldn't be awake this early in the morning and if I did I could use her phone charger because I don’t have my mom’s cell phone number remembered all the way I have like the almost to last 4 numbers down. When I got in the car she took me straight to her home which was actually really nice by the way she gave me some clothes to sleep in which were cashmere I actually don't wear pajamas because I find them uncomfortable, but for once I actually slept comfortable in them. (next day) When I got home all the doors were locked which is unusual so I went to my bedroom window because I always leave it open and sure enough it was open. When I climbed in the window the first thing that I did was go to my charger and plug in my phone to see if mom had messaged me, there is no messages so i'm going to go and see if they are in their room or anywhere in the house. Well i've looked everywhere in the house and there's no sign of mom or dad and mother's day is tomorrow so i'm going to start making her a card or something cute that she'll like I might put a lot of glitter on it because she is absolutely obsessed with glitter and unicorns. If there's any leftover glitter i'll put in a jar with her name on it just to prove its hers. My mom throws the best glitter fights but last year we had to go to the hospital because we were having a glitter fight on valentine's day and someone wore contacts and glitter got in them so this time there won't be anyone who will not listen to what we say about contacts and these glitter fights. I’m just saying that people should listen more often. Once I finished making mom’s gift bag I went to see if my phone was charged and like i guessed it was i tried calling mom, no answer so I tried dad and guess what, no answer. I just wish they would tell me where they are i’m so worried, 2 hours later. I decided to order some chinese take out like an hour ago what happened to that thirty minute thing ugh i'm so mad. Well turn out my food never came and I had to cook. (Next Day) I got woke up by someone banging on the door when I went to open it I seen my parents when I asked where they went they said it's none of my business i'm just like fine then see if I care anymore and by the way your gift bag is on the counter.

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