Does water always flow | Teen Ink

Does water always flow

October 28, 2016
By Rosanthe SILVER, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Rosanthe SILVER, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
a smile can hide a thousand liesl

Walking through the front doors, my heart skips a beat. I used to be so sure of myself, of us, but now I stand without an idea in my mind. The laughter, the relationships, all the pain comes flooding back to my eyes, and to my heart. I tried to look up, blinking a thousand times. Squeezing them shut, my eyes start to flood. Memories of last night, come flashing back. My hands start to shake, breathing getting heavier, whispering to myself that everything will be okay. A bell ringing shatters my thoughts. People around start to scatter, a bite of the lip and the first day starts. Shake it off, it’ll be alright. I hum to myself as a amble to class. History for first, oh how ironic. Do you remember? The history between us? The late night phone calls, the countless hours spent by each other’s sides. Where did that go, all of our memories. Were they an actual reality, or was it another dream. Is today the first day? Or is today my last. I guess they’ll never no. Why is time so fast. Here I stand, but where will I go? Fire may stand still, but water always flows.

The author's comments:

Every interpretation sways, depending on your views. Don't judge hers, she maybe she'll care for you. 


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