without you | Teen Ink

without you

January 20, 2017
By abbi801 BRONZE, Nn Dvkj, South Carolina
abbi801 BRONZE, Nn Dvkj, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live the life you love,love the life you live

I'm not strong enough to stay away from you and it hurts,because we are toxic. No matter how bad i want you i have to go the opposite way,just ignore you like a faint memory. It kills me to stay away cause i'm not ready to let go,i'm not ready to forget. Too much time we spent and you just go and give it all away so easily. Why? Why must you always give it away? Why does  it seem so easy for you to not care,and give it all away? Although it feels right to be with you i know it’s wrong. I wanna be wrapped in your arms and i know i can't and it hurts. Time and time again i text you cut you off text you cut you off,a never ending cycle and i'm trying to protect myself by hurting you ? that's not how it's suppose to work. We are suppose to have each others back and we don't we just leave each other there to fight alone. Talking to you awakens feelings that only you can awake and i don't know why or how you have me under your control but you do. Your wish is my command,freaking genie in a lamp. You have 3 wishes use them wisely. There are only 3 rules, play fair, don't hurt me, and don't break me again. The longing in my body just needs to be put to rest can i borrow them from you? I think i need to have a surgery done where it cuts you off of me cause you are really affecting me and i just want it to end. You low key wanna be with me but you continue to play.

The author's comments:

Being cheatedon inspired this,not having that person there and trying to figutre out how to put the peices back together on my own 

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