Why does Brittany Spears lip sync? | Teen Ink

Why does Brittany Spears lip sync?

January 18, 2017
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a young singer named Britney Spears. She was popular among teens and was an okay singer. When it came time to go on stage for some reason she couldn't sing, someone would take her voice and use it backstage over the sound system to try and embarrass her, and she would have to try and lip sync along. When she would pretend to sing along she was always two or three words behind. The reason that this would happen is because the evil villain Embra. When people do things that she doesn't like she does different things to embarrass them. Embra did not like that Britney was always cursing and dancing inappropriately so she stole her voice and made her look like a bad singer and performer in front of the entire world. Everyone noticed that this would happen but didn’t know why, until Helfa the Helper figured out that it was her enemy Embra doing all the embarrassing things to Britney. So doing what she does best she was going to help Britney. She dressed up like Britney and walked on stage when Britney was supposed too so that Embra would steal the wrong person's voice. When Embra saw Helfa in disguise she stole her voice. Then Helfa ran off stage the real Britney cam on and performed with her actual voice and the whole world saw what a wonderful performer she really was. During the actual performance Helfa had to put an end to all of this nonsense. She went backstage to ook for Embra and she knew if she found her there was bound to be a scuffle. She went into the spare dressing room where she heard her evil laugh coming from and found her. She snuck up behind her, pulled her hair, twisted her arm, knocked out her two front teeth and broke her nose. Embra was trying to fight back but Helfa was more powerful. Helfa drug her by her ear and put her in a large cage, loaded the cage in her private helicopter and flew it to the Grand Canyon. When she reached the Grand Canyon she landed, unloaded the cage, and pushed her off the edge. She waited about 5 minutes till she heard her hit the bottom, then she hurried back before Britney’s show was over so she could explain the situation.  When Britney was done with her performance Helfa stopped her and explained the whole thing, what was happening, why it didn't happen this time, and she explained that it will never happen again. Britney was so thankful for Helfa the Helper helping her that she allowed Helfa to go on tour with her. Britney realized that she wasn't a good singer herself and wanted Helfa to stand back stage and sing while britney did the performance. This was the normal for every show that she would do, Helfa would sing and Britney would perform. Even though Britney was still a very bad lip syncer she figured that it was better than singer for herself. To this day Britney Spears still lips syncs and Helfa the Helper. 

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