Scars | Teen Ink


November 4, 2017
By GCait61 GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
GCait61 GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stay gold, Ponyboy

Let go. That's what he told me to do. He said everything would be okay if I let go. So I let my hand unclasp from one branch. Slowly my foot slid ever so slightly. If I were to let go, I'd fall. Of course, it's the law of gravity. How was that okay? Above me, the storm clouds began to circle overhead. He was frantic now. "Let go!" He told me again. I looked down. I was eight feet up. Surely he didn't expect me to let go. My feet desperately groped for another branch but any trace of one crumbled beneath my weight. A roll of thunder shook the dense air.

     That's when the rain began. Pounding like a hammer around me and this tree. He was down below, still shrieking into the wind. I looked wildly for another branch, any easier way to get down. Will was starting to blur out. His face was a mixture of color, like ink smearing the words on a page. I was starting to feel dizzy. My left hand dropped from the branch and I plummeted. Down, down, down; the fall never seemed to end. Will wanted to catch me. Otherwise he wouldn't have told me to jump. But the rain was blinding now and Will couldn't even see me anymore. The only sign I was there, was the sharp scream that rang out through the air.

      I snapped out of my daydream. I could still hear the echoes in my head screaming "let go! Just let go, Ally!" I forced them to leave my mind as I stared in the mirror. It was a very unusual scar that lined my face. It wasn't like any other. It covered half my face, starting above my left eyebrow and trailed in an even, perfectly curved line down between my eyes to my nose. Once it reached the left side of it, it suddenly went into a jagged bolt shape. The evenness was gone and it was crazy and directionless. Almost like the lightning bolt that shot through the sky as I fell, cutting my face on the branch.


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