Teen written fiction in a variety of genres | Teen Ink


Top voted Fiction

#103521voted by our readers
By rockstar3 GOLD
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

They are the only ones who are damaged.  I am the only one who has suffered. Six broken souls with the urge for wholeness and prosperity. Six who do not have a place in society,...
rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

#103522 Fiction
By Foram GOLD
Edison, New Jersey
Foram GOLD, Edison, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If life gives you dirt, grow flowers." - I read it on a post it in the movie "The Fault in Our Stars"

#103523 Fiction
By Allicat001 SILVER
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Allicat001 SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 170 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Love is not someone you can live with, love is someone you can&#039;t live without.&quot; <br /> <br /> &quot;Always stand up for what&#039;s right even if that means you&#039;re standing alone.&quot;

#103524 Fiction
By Anonymous
#103525 Fiction
By Anonymous
Jordan Wilson-Dalzell GOLD, Portola Valley, California
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Oh, if I could run free with the wild horses<br /> I'd run and I would keep going and never stop.<br /> Oh,if I could keen with my brothers the wolves<br /> I'd cry sorrow and call for the freedom we lost.<br /> <br /> <br /> If I could pick up my legs and just gallop away<br /> my footprints would be pounded in the earth <br /> eternal<br /> If I could hunt with my pack , coexist as one<br /> our cries would be recorded in a wild journal.<br /> <br /> <br /> Oh if I could race out my heart and challenge <br /> the wind<br /> Even if I lost ,my lose would be mine to own<br /> Oh, If I could speak the name of a word to feel <br /> its birthing roots<br /> If freedom were the word-then I am coming <br /> home.

#103527 Fiction
By Spencer_J BRONZE
Clarkston, Michigan
Spencer_J BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#103528 Fiction
By Pixel3d GOLD
Sacramento, California
Pixel3d GOLD, Sacramento, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not a game of luck. If you wanna win, work hard.

#103529 Fiction
By Elizabeth Witcher GOLD
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Witcher GOLD, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
17 articles 1 photo 1 comment
#103530 Fiction
ClicheBecauseItsTrue PLATINUM, A City, California
29 articles 0 photos 7 comments