Teen written fiction in a variety of genres | Teen Ink


Top voted Fiction

#6471voted by our readers
By jencullen BRONZE
Northridge, California

    Looking up from my seat after a slight jolt of the bus, I immediately notice the girl sitting in the seat across from me, her body sprawled out between the two oddly colored...
jencullen BRONZE, Northridge, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

#6472 Fiction
By Anonymous
#6473 Fiction
By A.Q.Allure BRONZE
Sterling Heights, Michigan
A.Q.Allure BRONZE, Sterling Heights, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#6474 Fiction
By Anonymous
#6475 Fiction
By RobinMichaels BRONZE
Port Matilde, Pennsylvania
RobinMichaels BRONZE, Port Matilde, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take time to do what makes your soul feel happy."- Unknown

#6476 Fiction
By kyokofirealice1 BRONZE
Tampa, Florida
kyokofirealice1 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
...don&#039;t walk as if you rule the world, walk as if you don&#039;t care who rules the world.<br /> ...its sad how people we know turn into people we knew; when you walk right past someone and pretend like they were never a big part of your life.

#6477 Fiction
By emireb333 BRONZE
Yonkers, New York
emireb333 BRONZE, Yonkers, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I write because it fulfills me. I do it for the pure joy of the thing, and if you can do it for joy, you can do it forever." - Stephen King

#6478 Fiction
mizaremmawms BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#6479 Fiction
By Anonymous
#6480 Fiction
Huntersville, North Carolina
BCrock BRONZE, Huntersville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments