Saver-Blue:Part Three | Teen Ink

Saver-Blue:Part Three

May 14, 2010
By Ceneteros2804 PLATINUM, Griffith, Other
Ceneteros2804 PLATINUM, Griffith, Other
20 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.' Albert Einstein

'Why write about reality, we all know how that story ends' Me

The Red Queen giggled. She was watching.

“It appears as though Saver-Blue is at almost full power” she tapped the ends of her fingers together, lighting crackled between her fingertips.

“What should we do Madame?” A hunched figure from the darkness asked.

“Send in the talking flowers” the Red Queen tittered. “Checkmate dear Alice” she smiled.

“Of course” the figure vanished. The Queen stood. It was time to pay her friend Leonardo a visit.

Cheshire Cat lay spread eagled under his covers wearing only a pair of silk boxers when the Red Queen entered his room.

“Hello Leo” she laughed. He jumped, instantly alert and then a wide grin spread across his face, inhumanly large it was a sign that he was readying to teleport. The Queen was ready and shot a bolt of lightning into his chest, only enough to stun, but enough for pain nonetheless. She smiled and stood over him.

“Long time no see” he groaned. The Red Queen looked him over coolly, not as though he was a human, but a tool for her own pleasure.

“You always did keep in shape” she nodded to his toned body.

“And you have a habit of not letting yourself go” Leonardo grinned. Sparks jumped across her fingers.

“Move and die” she hissed, her expression turned stormy momentarily and her ruby red eyes began to glow. A sign she could fire lightning at any time.

“Don't worry I have no intention of vanishing. So, what's up?” He asked non-chalantly.

“Always so cheerful in private yet so serious in public” she sat in his desk chair.

“It’s a skill” Leonardo shrugged.

“Funny. Not.”
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”

“You’d know.”


“So Leo, how’ve you been since I left?” She gestured to the numerous papers piled around the room. “Keeping busy I see. And you've found a new little pawn to play with” the Red Queen stood up and leant over him.

“You mean Alice. She’s a better Saver than you ever were” Leonardo shrugged. “No offence.”

“None taken” sparks jumped around on the Red Queen’s hands.

“I have an inkling that is a lie.”

“No. Really?”

“I repeat. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”

“Funny Leo.”

“Funny haha or funny weird?”

“How about funny shocking?”

“That sounds painful.”
“Gee, I wonder why?”

“So why did you come again?”

“For you.”

“What do you mean?” He asked. She kissed him and let out a purr.

“I need a new toy.”

“I hate you.” She shocked him.

“The feeling is mutual” he muttered. She kissed him again.

The author's comments:
The Red Queen appears. The game begins...

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This article has 1 comment.

JeanGrey GOLD said...
on Jun. 1 2010 at 8:35 pm
JeanGrey GOLD, Mason City, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 258 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."-Oscar Wilde

Wow...mean and passionate...I like her hahahah jk but good. You have a thing for twisted romance :)