Tinfoil of Shrek | Teen Ink

Tinfoil of Shrek

May 14, 2013
By Breanna Gonzales BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
Breanna Gonzales BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a big green ogre named Shrek. He lived with his wife Renesme and their three little kids. They had two little girls Maria and Stephanie, their little boys name was John.
Well one day Lord Zack decided to take away Shrek and Renesme’s land. Shrek was told that if he and Renesme wanted their land back that Shrek had to do one thing for him. Shrek decided that “one thing” he had to do for Lord Zack couldn’t be that bad. So Shrek decided that he would do that “one thing” for Lord Zack to get his and Renesme’s land back for his family.
Shrek had no clue what this “one thing” was but he figured that it would be worth it to support his family. Shrek thought that because the Lord was a decent type of dude that the “one thing” wouldn’t be that bad.
After he helped Renesme, Maria, Stephanie, and John to his mother-in laws house on the other end of the property, at which he and Renesme used to own. After that he started his long journey to the Lords castle.
After Shrek’s long journey to the castle he knocked on the HUGE doors to the castle. He then had to wait for one of the Lords servants to open the doors to allow him in the castle.
He then sat down with the Lord to discuss this “one thing” that Shrek had to do to get his land back for his family.
Lord Zack then asked Shrek “Have you heard of that murder that the police officers can’t capture, the one that lives in the distant castle?”
Shrek then kneeled and replied, “Yes, I have. I also heard it was a woman that goes by the name of Fiona. Is that true Lord?”
“Yes, those rumors are true. She has also killed several officers that have tried to bring her in. She knows that once she is brought in to the jail that she will be in there till the day she dies in the jail. She also knows that she will have very high security while she is held in the jail, and that she will lose all of her rights and the way in which she used to live”.
Shrek asked the Lord. “Lord why have you asked me this? Is this the ‘one thing’ that you wish for me to do in order for my wife and I to get our land back?”
The Lord the replied, “Yes, this is what I am asking of you to do, not only for yourself and your family but the rest of this fine place in which we live.”
Shrek then helped move his family to the end of what used to be their property, to his mother in-laws. After helping them move he set out for his 5 day hike to go capture Fiona.
Day 1: Shrek had a pretty easy travel. The hike was pretty flat and broad, all he really had to do was step through some course fields to get through them. He was traveling at the pace that he was hoping to. He made camp at around 9:00. He made a fire and went to fast pretty quickly.
Day 2: Was a wee bit more difficult, it was mainly all up hill. He met this donkey, his name was Donkey. He was just wandering around all by himself. He seemed lost. So Shrek asked, “Um excuse me do you know where you are going? May I help you find what you are looking for?”
Donkey replied, ”I don’t even know where I am going. May I ask where you are going?”
“I’m going to earn my property back by, going and capturing Fiona. Would you like to join, I could use a little company on the rest of my travel there?”
Donkey said with no enthusiasm, “Sure. Why not?”
Donkey didn’t do much he was mainly quite, unlike Shrek he was just a talking away. Shrek was getting more and more and more excited to be getting closer to Fiona.
Day 3: Getting closer. Their trip was flat for most of the time with the few times it was downhill. They traveled fast today. They ended doing day 3 and day 4 in one day. So they should end up at Fiona’s castle. Shrek was not so excited anymore he grew to be more and more worried.
Day 4: They reached the bottom of the castle but, they decided to wait until the next day before actually capturing her. They had to go over this old rickety bridge. Donkey started going first, and then Shrek started a few steps after Donkey. It took them awhile to cross the bridge but they made it across fine. The started camp but, couldn’t build a fire because Fiona would be able to see the smoke and know that they were there. Well that’s if she didn’t already know they were there.
Day 5: They entered the castle. Fiona was ready like normal. The battle was intense, Fiona started with the upper advantage, then Donkey helped Shrek. Shrek made one wrong dodge and Fiona sliced his hear right off. Donkey was then slayed and eaten by Fiona.
Lord Zack never gave Renesme her and Shrek’s old land back. Renesme and the kids got really upset and all died at Renesme’s moms house.

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This article has 1 comment.

lord farquad said...
on Feb. 17 2014 at 7:03 pm
shrek is love shrek is life