Fade to Black | Teen Ink

Fade to Black

January 17, 2014
By -Axel- BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
-Axel- BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fade to black, as you lie in darkness you'll soon find the light

My body floats amidst the ever-looming darkness, cold and stiff, unable to move, like a rock in harsh winter. I try to piece together how I found myself in such a dark place, so I begin to wander to the furthest ends of my memory. The only problem is my memory is fading away…

I find a memory of my journey as a wielder of the legendary “Keyblade,” said to bring ruin and woe or peace and happiness, depending on how the wielder uses it. My name was Kurter and I was a boy with short cut black hair and an X on my face. I remember my scrawny body when I first began my training under master Yen Sid, known for his great wisdom and magic. He told me that half of my heart had been stolen by the Heartless which are monsters that use to be people, but who had lost their hearts and were turned into Heartless. Master Yen Sid told me he had found me in the Keyblade Graveyard while Heartless were swarming around my unconscious body. But, Yen Sid told me, an X had appeared on my face and my eyes began to glow black as a Keyblade appeared in my hand! I drove away the Heartless, but they had taken most of my heart and I fainted, falling back to the ground with a thud.Master Yen Sid took me back to his Castle to take care of me. Soon I began to learn how to use the Keyblade which had been mysteriously granted to me. My Keyblade was black and gray with a sharp layout. Master Yen Sid told me that every Keyblade had a name and that I could name my Keyblade whatever fit my desire. I told him that my Keyblade would be named “Primal Darkness,” for its black, sharp shape. I lived in Yen Sid’s castle for 2 years, learning about the ways of magic and about spells that I was able to cast. I had mastered the spells Thunder and Aero, but every time I tried to cast Blizzard, it didn’t turn into ice, but an orb of floating water. Yen Sid was surprised at this, and told me that he had never seen another person able to use water magic. I asked him if there was anybody else that could use it, and he told me that only a Nobody called Demyx was able to use water magic. I wanted to know what a Nobody was, so Yen Sid told me to seek out Jiminy Cricket to learn more about Nobodies who resided in Twlight Town.

My mind returns to my unconscious body, and as I remain in that dark and lifeless world my descent into darkness continues. I reach back inside my mind and find a memory of me walking with Jiminy as we approach a dark forest road…

I’m standing next to him asking questions about what Nobodies are. He tells me that a Nobody is created at the same time as a Heartless, when the shell of a person is left behind and turns into a Heartless. After hearing all this I ask him about Demyx and other special Nobodies like him. Jiminy says that there was an entire organization of special Nobodies like Demyx called “Organization 13,” and their main objective was to assimilate with the great heart known as “Kingdom Hearts.” As soon as Jiminy says “Kingdom Hearts” the “X” on my face begins to burn and I fall to the ground wailing in pain at the enormous searing sensation. After a few minutes the pain resides and I am back up on my feet in no time, still confused about what happened with my mark. Jiminy suggests that we go meet a girl named “Naminé,” who might be able to help sort out my questions and find out why my mark burns when we talk about the great heart. During a moment of walking, we stumble upon a big mansion-like house at the edge of the forest. We stand at its front gate and then walk inside the house, looking around at the interior of the house, which is a spectacle to see.
Jiminy leads me to a door on the far right. As we approach it I open the door to see a room with nothing but white layout wallpaper everywhere and drawings posted in some areas of the room. When we walk in I notice a blonde girl siting at a table drawing. She looks up and sees Jiminy and smiles as she walks over to pick him up. She seems excited to see him; they have probably been friends for some time, now. After their little reunion, Jiminy introduces me to her. He explains the problem with my mark and my memory, telling me that Naminé is a witch with the power to create, fake, or change memories at will. I ask her if she can take a look at my memories to see where I came from and why I have this X on my face. She directs me to a hidden chamber with a huge flower-shaped pod sitting in the middle. She tells me that I will need to fall asleep in there as she looks at my memories. I nod and walk inside the pod as a strange white gas forms around me, making me weary and sleepy and soon knocking me out.
An hour or so passes and when the pod opens back up I see Jiminy there. He tells me that I need to speak with Naminé quickly. I run back to the desolate white room and see Naminé sitting there with an unhappy expression on her face. She tells me that I am a side product of Sora’s memories being split up when he entered a place known as Castle Oblivion. Since then, he has regained his memories and journeyed on to defeat the head of Organization 13, but a piece of his light was scattered when Sora and his Nobody Roxas fought each other one on one. That fragment of light is the memories Sora had while he was in Master form, which he gained from the combined magic of Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. His light fragment had ended up in the Keyblade Graveyard, where the “X-Keyblade” was made. After a year, the light began to grow and form into a human entity: me. The X came from the design on Sora’s Master form outfit. Then Naminé tells me that my Keyblade is the only thing that was keeping me from turning into a Heartless.
I stand back in awe and my head begins to hurt as I wonder how much of my life has been worth living. Naminé tells me I must confront the Heartless in The World That Never Was in order to regain the missing piece of my heart. Suddenly angry, I bolt out the door crying with my Keyblade in my hand, rushing towards my Gummi ship.

I again return to the sleeping darkness as I begin to think about what my name is and who I am. Soon, a memory appears in front of me and I see myself fighting out Heartless…

Inside The World that Never Was I am fending off swarms of Neoshadows that appear from out of the ground. I cast Aero on myself and charge straight through without giving a second thought. After several minutes of fighting, it seems pointless with the Neoshadows continuing to pop up. I use a last resort measure: my new move, Slicing Scatter Shot. It takes out all the Neoshadows in the area. Tired from using all my magic up, I drop to my knees and use my Keyblade to prop up my body. The Neoshadows jump into a dog pile on my body. I sit there as my heart fades away, plunging me here into this prison of darkness.

Finally I understand how I entered this realm of nothingness and begin to wonder if I will ever escape. Soon, I hear a voice. It is a voice of someone who sounds familiar. I look up to see Jiminy, sitting in the hand of a mouse companion. Light begins to shine all around the two of them. Jiminy tells me that if I remain here in the everlasting darkness I will soon become a Heartless. I hold out my hand for the last time, knowing that I will find my missing half as I see Jiminy and his companion smiling at me. I smile back and tell them that I won’t give up on finding my own reason to live…
To be continued in the future.

The author's comments:
This is just a fan fiction about the most coolest Japanese game ever to me

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