After Today | Teen Ink

After Today

January 12, 2015
By minniemouse714 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
minniemouse714 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is it. Today is the day. Something special is going to happen; I can feel it. Walking into the stadium to see 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction with my 5 friends, I thought to myself I’m going to see my husbands, my joy in life. I have been waiting for years to finally see them. I mentally screamed.

Madie, Sara, Emma, Haley, Sophia, and I walked to section 2B, which was right next to the catwalk. We couldn’t wait to see 5SOS, the opening act, and even more anxious for One Direction to perform.

While in the midst of fangirling, the lights dimmed and 5SOS began performing. They sang “Don’t Stop”, “She Looks So Perfect”, and “English Love Affair”. In the middle of “English Love Affair”, Calum walked on the catwalk toward us. Everyone either screamed because one of the boys did something cute, or yell-sang the lyrics. As Sophia belted out the lyrics, Calum looked over at her and smiled. Luke was over by Haley, a bit farther down the catwalk, looking into her eyes the whole time as if he was singing it personally to her. My heart was set for Ashton, the drummer. His curly/straight hair was so adorable when he is sweaty, and he looked like a little puppy with his big brown eyes.

They performed a few more songs and said goodbye to the crowd on the catwalk.
“We love you guys! Thanks for coming out tonight!” They bowed and Ashton locks his eyes with mine, his jaw dropping slightly. Everyone was screaming, but I couldn’t seem to rip my eyes away from his. The other boys started to walk off, and Ashton follows as if nothing ever happened.
“OMG, SARA! ASHTON WAS LOOKING AT ME!” I couldn’t believe it.

“I KNOW AND CALUM WAS LOOKING AT SOPHIA, AND LUKE WAS LOOKING AT HALEY …” she replies going into full on fangirl mode with the rest of us, ranting about how perfect they were.

About an hour later, after lots of dancing to the pop music they played in the stadium, the lights dimmed once more. I had never heard anything as loud as the crowd screaming before! Slowly, One Direction appears up at the top of the tall stage. Everyone screamed louder, if that was even possible. I look over to Madie, who is tearing up a bit and realized I was in the same emotional state.

They performed a few songs while our whole group screamed and belted out the lyrics.

About half way through the concert, Niall, my favorite, got his guitar for the next song. Every one of them walked past us to the end of the catwalk. On their return, Niall stopped in his tracks, but continued singing. I looked at Harry, who was right behind him, and he stopped too. I looked at Niall, and realize he was gazing at me. They were singing “Little Things”, one of my personal favorites because it has helped me through some tough times in life. He kept gazing and singing as if I were the only one in the room. I began to cry. I couldn’t even digest the fact that he was looking at me, let alone looking at me through the whole song. At the end of the song, he reached out to me, and I tried to touch his hand, along with the other fans behind me pushing me forward into the railing to try to touch him too, but once again: I was too short. On my tippy toes, I barely brushed his fingertips before the next song started and he went towards the rest of the boys. I noticed him talking in Harry’s ear. Harry searched through the crowd, as if looking for someone, and I locked eyes with him. He looked back at Niall, and points in my direction. Niall nodded his head.

During “What Makes You Beautiful”, a few songs later, I notice Liam looking at Emma every now and then. Then during “You And I”, after Zayn’s high note (he nailed it by the way) he looked into Sara’s eyes, who was crying over his angelic voice. That high note is every fangirl’s dream to witness.
When the boys took a break to change clothes towards the end of the two and a half hour concert, a security guard approached us from behind the barricades.

“I need you girls to come with me.”
“We didn’t do-“ I start. We were about to miss the rest of the concert.
“Just come with me.” He walked a few yards away to a gate and wove us over to come with him. We followed along. What did we do wrong, I pondered. Maybe we weren’t supposed to touch the boy’s hands. I’m going to be in deep trouble when I get home. I was as scared as a cat stuck in a tree.

He took us to the side of the stage to watch the rest of the concert. All of us, except Emma, started crying because we were so close to seeing the boys. Oh my gosh, they are even more perfect up close. I thought.
“Goodnight, everybody!” Liam said at the finale.

“Thanks for coming out! Drive safe!” Niall added. The rest of the boys, Harry, Zayn, and Louis, thanked the fans for the billionth time tonight and began walking towards us on the side of the stage. I tried to stop crying and regain my composure, wiping away my tears, hoping my mascara hadn’t smeared.

Niall immediately walked over to me, as does Liam to Emma, Zayn to Sara, Louis to Haley, Harry over to Madie, even though Harry wasn’t her favorite. Five Seconds of Summer walked over towards us as well. Calum walked over to Sophia, pure shock and enjoyment written on her face. Ashton is stared at me, and Niall noticed.
“What’s your name?” Niall asked me.
“Danielle.” I replied.
“That’s a lovely name,” he commented, giving me one of his famous million-dollar smiles.
“So, Danielle would you and your friends like to go out to eat?”
“I’m pretty sure they will say yes, and I’m starving!” I smiled. It turned out each of the boys had asked the rest of the girls the same question. We ended up hopping into 3 mini-vans and began our journey to BJ’s Restaurant.
Once we arrived, I walked next to Haley. “So much has happened tonight. I can’t believe it.” I say while we both take in the situation.
“I know! Louis is so much funnier and cuter in person!” she replied, giggling.
“Who are you and what have you done with Haley. You NEVER act like this.” I remarked.
“I really like him. Not because he’s in One Direction, but because of his personality. Being in the car  and joking around with him, made me realize he lights up my world like nobody else.”

“’Ey I see what you did there,” noticing she used lyrics from their song “What Makes You Beautiful”, “THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!” I yelled right before we walked into the restaurant. Niall walked up behind me.
“Hey. Do you want a beer or something from the bar?” he asked.

“Uh, Niall, I can’t drink yet. I’m only 19.”

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know how old you were. You look like you could be old enough to drink and party all night long at a club.” he says, smirking. I began to blush.

“I don’t drink and I don’t go to clubs,” I reply. Out of all of my friends, I’m the only one who hadn’t been to a club.

We talked for a while longer, oblivious to everything around us until Harry walked over.

“Hey, they called our group already, lovebirds. Let’s go! Right this way!” Harry joked. Oh gosh. He better not be drinking tonight  I thought.

We followed Harry to the table.


“I found them! They were about to make out outside,” he lied. Niall and I started to blush.

“Aw,” everyone cooed.

“Oh shut up, we were just talking.” I said, sitting in my chair next to Niall. Madie was on the other side of him, extremely close to him. I knew Niall was her favorite, but Niall was my favorite too. Madie started to talk to him, asking about how his songwriting was going, if he was going to get back into soccer anytime soon, and if he had been working out. I mouthed to her, “back off”. If you mess with Niall, you get my ugly side.

“Never” she mouthed back. You just asked to get on mu ugly side I thought.

“Madie, can I talk to you outside for a second.” I asked, using a sweet tone like I didn’t want to
“Sure. I’ll be right back Niall.” she says, winking at him. My mouth dropped slightly. She was trying to ‘woo’ him over. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out to the patio.

“Look, you need to back off my man. He will never like you. Just go talk to Harry so I don’t have to.” she commanded.

“I’m not going to. Just back off and we will see how he likes better, although I’m sure it’s me judging by the look on his face while he was talking to you. Guess what, sweetie? He looked uncomfortable while you were talking to him, but you wouldn’t know because you’re so confident he likes you better.” I replied, major sass in my tone. She huffed and went back to the table so I followed with a genuine smile in my ear.

Once I arrive at the table, Niall whispered into my ear, “Madie is acting weird. Like flirting with me and sitting really close to me.”

“Ya, she is trying to ‘woo’ you over so I can’t have you.” I realized what I’d said and immediately hushed. I began blushing as red as a tomato while he just smirked. Our food arrived, and I began eating so I couldn’t dig myself into a deeper hole of embarrassment than I already have.

“It’s okay. I like you better than her anyway” he quietly whispered back. I smile, and hurriedly finished the food in my mouth.

“Thanks, but she will stop at nothing to get to you. You might as well just date her instead of me because she’s prettier, thinner-”

He cuts me off by saying “You’re perfect to me,” and lightly kissed my cheek. My breathing hitched. Everyone at the table stoped talking to look at me and Niall, noticing what just happened.

“Okay, Harry. You owe me $20. I told you he would kiss her by the end of the night.” Louis stated.
“You did not!” Harry joked back.

Everyone went back to eating and conversing, having a great time. Liam paid the bill, after much arguing between the boys because they each insisted they would pay for everything, and everyone went outside to chat some more. That was when Ashton approached me and Niall.

“Hey mate can I talk to Danielle in private for a sec?” he asked.

“Ya, sure. I’ll be back in a minute Dani.” Niall responded. No one had ever called me Dani before. I loved his cute nickname for me.

“Look, Danielle. I know you like Niall, but I like you too. I can see how much you guys are in love with each other, so I’ll try to move on, for your sake.”

“Ashton… I like you too, but only as friends. I’m so sorry. But I think I know of someone you would like. She is really pretty, has a bubbly personality, and funny. Come on.” I dragged him over to Madie. Madie hadn’t really listened to 5SOS before, except for a few songs.

“Madie, meet Ashton, the drummer of 5SOS. Ashton, meet Madie, my best friend since middle school,” I introduced.

“H-Hi,” he stutters. Madie blushed. Aw, she liked him! They begin to talk.

“I’ll let you two chat.” I walked off to Niall, who was talking to Calum and Sophia.

“Hey.” he said, wrapping an arm around my waist. I leaned in to him.

“You guys would be the perfect couple.” Sophia said, suddenly directing her attention to us.

“Thanks. You guys look cute together too.” I replied. Calum wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a smile. Sophia blushed mouthing “OH MY GOD” to me. I chuckled, knowing they would be more than friends in the future.

“Let’s talk about that later.” Niall whispered to me in my ear and I smiled.

“It’s time to go, guys!” Zayn yelled while holding Sara’s hand. We began walking back into the vans.
“I had a great time tonight.” Niall said to me, holding my hand.
“So did I.”

“Here’s your phone back. You left it on the table when you went to go talk to Madie in the restaurant.”
“Thanks.” I replied and slip it into my back pocket. We climbed back into the vans and began the ride to my house, where all of the girls were having a sleepover. Niall wrapped his arm around me and I nuzzle into his chest, slowly falling asleep with a smile on my face since I’d had a long, eventful, and awesome day.
“Love you, sweetheart,” he whispered right as sleep succumbed me.

Three years later, after being boyfriend and girlfriend for two years, all the hate from their fans, dealing with my grandmother’s passing, and gaining some muscle from going to the gym, my wedding day with Niall finally arrived. Ashton and Madie already married a few months ago, Zayn and Sara are engaged, Calum and Sophia were the first to get married 1 ½ years ago, Liam is married to Emma, and Haley was pregnant with Louis child, but they got married a few months ago.

While walking down the aisle in my Lozaro tool ball gown, Niall’s eyes locked on mine. He looked breathless and a tear slips down his cheek, as does mine as well. I finally reached the end of the aisle and my dad handed me to Niall.

After reciting our vows, the priest announced, “You may kiss the bride.” Niall dipped me down and kissed me. Wow. Things have changed so much in the past few years I thought.

“I love you so much, babe. I can’t wait for what the future has in store for us.” he whispered after our kiss.

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HammadWaseem said...
on Feb. 8 2015 at 2:22 am
HammadWaseem, Lahore, Other
0 articles 5 photos 283 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be proud of who you are.

You can't see me
-John Cena

Ooh, somebody stop me!

Thats wouderful! will you rate and comment on my work? @minniemouse714