A flying golf ball | Teen Ink

A flying golf ball

October 13, 2015
By TerryB BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
TerryB BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A flying golf ball

I woke up and wanted to look the best for the science fair.I put on my button shirt and some black slacks that i just notice in my closet. I tuck my shirt in my slack and tighten my belt. I soon take out my controller for my quadcopter. “There we go,” I said as it booted on. I started to take out my quadcopter from my shelf. “bez bub boop,” The quadcopter went as i turned it on. I checked its batteries and made sure its solar panel was working alright.”does the cam work right,” I said to myself. Suddenly my brother runs in my room in his underwear and he punches me in the arm. He’s skinny with acne all over his face he has these two big acne spots on him where it really ugly.
It was time for the science fair. I walk in and i go straight to my station and set up. My project is about solar energy. Which is what quadcopter mostly runs on. The judges started to come up to my station. “So, Terry,” The judges asked ,”what do you have to show us this year?”
“Well,” I replied,”I have a quadcopter mostly powered by solar energy.”
“Well what are you waiting for show us!” the judges anxiously said while staring at me.
“Okay then!” I barely voiced. I picked up the controller and booted it up which then booted up the quadcopter. Some guy with black hair and a red shirt and red shorts ran by. He was probably late but when running by it smashed my controller. I took out a golf ball and put it in the launch section of my quadcopter. The i got out my master controller this one had a screen and i switch to fire a golf ball out of the quadcopter whenever i wanted it to fire one. I flew over to the guy's station first it hit his stand then i hit his head
“Ow!” He yelled. I yelled back “That's what you get!”

The author's comments:

Its a realstic fiction story. I hope poeple will like the story and it very quick ending

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