The Lonely Boy | Teen Ink

The Lonely Boy

January 31, 2017
By Marmar1829 BRONZE, BAltimore, Maryland
Marmar1829 BRONZE, BAltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1
Who’s Kevin?
Kevin is a lonely person. He doesn’t have any friends because he is different from everyone else. OKay that’s enough of telling who is kevin. Now i’m going to let kevin introduce his own self.

“Hi, you might know who i am already know my name is but my name is Kevin Lashawn Johnson. I am a 14 years old boy. I'm going to highschool next year. I am nervous to go to highschool because i know i'm not going to make no friends. I HATE MY LIFE SO MUCH! Because when i was 3 years old i was diagnosed with bipolar. I hate being different from everyone else. sometimes  i wish i wasn’t alive. I just wish one day i’ll will make friends but I CAN’T. People thinks i'm really crazy, but i'm really am. I even hate going to school!”
When kevin walks into school he get’s called crazy by a group of mean kids. Kevin gets bullied a lot because he's bipolar.  Kevin one day wants to make friends, but he know making friends is  just not the right thing for him.          Chapter 2
Kevin Lonely life
As Kevin was walking to school he discovered something crazy.
“What the hell!”
“What the…”
“Oh my god.”
He discovered that his teacher Ms.Zart was in a bad car accident. Ms.Zart was okay but had lots of scratches on her face.
As Ms.Zart answers kevin question as a nervous voice.
“Yes i'm okay, but my face is sore.”
“Thanks for asking kevin i really appreciate it.” Ms.Zart said.
“No problem i just wanted to make sure you was okay because that was a really bad car accident. Also it looked like your was really hurt, so that's why i came to check on you.”
“Well thanks for asking anyway” Ms.zart said.
“ Hope you get better Ms.Zar. See you when you get better.”

Kevin walks into school feeling nervous. He sees everyone looking at him like he is a dumb ass. Kevin started to get scared because he don't know why everyone keep looking at him.
Kevin shouts out to the group of  kids.
The group of kids shouted back at kevin and said.
“Because you're ugly as hell, bipolar, and look crazy. Plus we won't be friend with people that are bipolar. Bipolar people are crazy.”
As kevin starts to get upset he said something really mean back to the group of kids.
“All you guys can go to hell and drink some bleach. Yall just mad because yall mamas are fat amazons and that they smell like straight FISH!”
“No your just mad because you're bipolar and you take medicine for it so you can shut the hell up.” Said the group of kids.
“You guys are so mean to me for no reason. I don't understand” As kevin cried.
Kevin eyes started to get watery as he walked away from the mean kids to get to his math class.When kevin arrived into his math class he started to cry really bad because of what the group of mean kids said to him. His teacher Ms.Partlow ask kevin did he want to talk about what happen but he didn't want his teacher to know. As the teacher kept asking him questions kevin shouted at the teacher.

“Can you please stop asking me questions about am i okay or not like get the hell out my face...i don't want to talk about it.”
“Kevin don't talk to me like that. If you're having a bad day you go to the office to calm down.” His teacher said with a smart voice.
“KEVIN GET OUT MY ROOM NOW.” Ms.Partlow said
“Okay dumb teacher.” As kevin mumble under his breath.
After kevin got kicked out the classroom he went to the bathroom to cry. He started to punch the wall and throw things around. Kevin punch the wall so hard that his knuckles was filled with blood. Kevin sat on the bathroom floor and kept crying into school ended.
Chapter 3
Kevin wonders will he make friends soon.
At 5:30am it was time for kevin to wake up to go to school. Kevin woke feeling sad and depressed. He doesn’t wants to go to school because he’s afraid he going to get bullied again like yesterday. Kevin doesn’t have any friends. He dreams that he will make friends today. 7:30am kevin leaves the house to walk to school. As kevin get closer to his school he starts to get nervous because of those kids name Radey, Mar, Jordan, Trey, and Tay that was bully him. Kevin walks into school while his legs and arms shack from being nervous.The kids that was bullying kevin looked at him while he was walking down the hallway. The kids spoke to kevin in a polite voice.
“Good Morning” Radey, Mar, Jordan, Trey, and Tay said.
“Um… hello” Kevin said with a nervous voice.
“We have something to tell you. All of us is sorry for making fun of you and calling you bipolar. We want to be your friends kevin. So, we are sorry. Will you forgive us the us?” The kids said.
“Um… YES i forgive all you guys and also i'm sorry for what i said to you guys.” Kevin said with a excitement voice.
“It's okay kevin we all make mistakes in life.” Tay said.
“Yeah we do.” Kevin said.
“See you guys at lunch.” Kevin said.
‘Okay kevin see you.”
As three hours passed it was time for lunch. Kevin and his new group of friends all walked into the lunchroom.
“Hey guys.” Kevin said
“Heyyyyy kevin.” The group of kids said.
“Let's go get our lunch.” As kevin said with a excited voice.
As the group was about to ask kevin a question kevin started to get anxious because he doesn’t like when people ask him questions.
“Kevin After school do you wanna hangout with us?” Tay said
“Sure that sounds fun” Kevin said
Bing Bing Bing
“Oh the bell rung it's time to go to our next class” Kevin said with a sad voice.
“See you after school guys.”
“Ard yo.” The group of kids said.
Chapter 4
School just ended. Kevin and his friends meet up at the park.
“Whats up kevin.”
“Whats up yall”
“Kevin you wanna try this drink” Trey said.
“Sure” Kevin said with a happy voice.
Kevin doesn’t know that the drink he's about to drink is going to kill him. Kevin doesn’t know that the group of kids really wasn’t his real friends. They was using him just to make him happy. Trey and the rest of the group started to whisper to each other as kevin started to drink the poison drink that's going to kill him. “ Let's hope this kills him.” Said trey and mar.
“Guys i'm starting to feel real sick.” Kevin said with a sick voice.
“Maybe it's from the school lunch because the milks were bad.” Said trey as he told a lie to kevin. Kevin started to get dizzy and fall on the ground. He started to throw up and then he stop and just sat there. Once kevin stopped throwing up he died. Making friends was just not the right things for kevin.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Shamar Hodges. I am 13 years on going on to 14 years old. This is my first time publishing a book on the internet. I'm so exited for people to see my story. This book would make you laugh. 


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