The Terrifying Pharaoh | Teen Ink

The Terrifying Pharaoh

May 28, 2015
By lexus7204 BRONZE, Setia Alam, Other
lexus7204 BRONZE, Setia Alam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind"-Neil Armstrong

In 1400BC,  Wink lived with his family of five, which consists of his father, mother, his two younger sisters and himself. They were from Great Britain. His father worked as a captain of a ship and his mother was a famous tailor. One day, Wink's father said that he must go on an expedition to Egypt to collect samples of plants for a researcher who intended to record the planet's transits. Wink, his mother and his sisters followed their father on the trip.

After a few weeks, they were ready to go. Wink said, "Hooray! Yay!". They went to the pier by riding a chariot. Wink was so happy. They continued their journey to Egypt by taking his father's boat. The boat was made out of wood. It took a week to get there and it was a tiring journey.

They arrived in Egypt when it was summer. Wink was glad that they arrived safely because there were a number of boats that sunk during the journey. They went to a large shelter, which was crowded with people. Wink and his family took the last three beds in the shelter.

His father went outside to check on the types of plants there. "These plants are interesting, weird and releases a strange smell." He took a sample of the plants and went to observe the transit. However, the transit didn't happen as expected and he canceled the plan. Then his father said, "We should go on a journey to the city and by chance, we might see a pharaoh!". So they went on their journey.

The next day, they went to the Pyramid of Giza.  The pyramid had a tomb in one of its many rooms. An Egyptian Pharaoh named Khufu lay inside the tomb. Wink didn't know that his father had a pearl that could awaken Khufu. While they were looking at the tomb, the pearl fell out of his father's pocket. Suddenly, there was a loud trembling sound. Khufu began to move.

Wink and his family were terrified. Khufu attempted to grab Wink by the neck but Wink managed to push back and ran towards his father. Khufu ran after him and almost fell off the edge of the platform. Wink in compassion ran towards Khufu and grabbed his arm and held on to him.  He was able to pull Khufu back from the edge, saving his life. After the incident, they became friends.

However, Akhenaten saw them talking to each other. He was furious about Khufu who befriended Wink and his family. He attempted to injure Wink's sister by kicking her, but Wink pushed him back. Akhenaten retreated and went away angrily.

Akhenaten said: "I am outrageous because of this little boy! Soldiers, injure him severely when you see him!". Akhenaten's soldiers searched for Wink but they couldn't find him. Akhenaten was very disappointed with his soldiers.

Khufu visited Wink and his family and told Wink that Akhenaten's soldiers had been looking for him under orders from Akhenaten. Now that Wink was aware of it, he was prepared to face the soldiers. He trained his family, including Khufu, to fight the soldiers. Everyone struggled at first, but after a few days of training, they became good fighters.

Now they were prepared for the showdown. Akhenaten's soldiers attacked their home, causing Wink and his family including Khufu to run away. Their home was severely damaged. Akhenaten's soldiers chased them and managed to surround them. Akhenaten underestimated Wink's fighting skills and all his soldiers perished during the fight. Khufu went to Akhenaten's palace and tried to injure Akhenaten but Akhenaten defeated him.

Khufu told Wink about the situation at the palace."There were many people guarding the palace.". Khufu told the citizens that Akhenaten is going to close down all the temples. They organised a raid and called Wink and his family to join them. They accepted the offer. However, two days later, Akhenaten's soldiers attacked first and killed many innocent citizens.

Khufu was furious as one of his sons died during the battle. He burst into tears, regretting to kick him out of his own home. He said, "If I didn't do that, he wouldn't have died." Wink said, "Stop crying. We still have a few more battles! Practice now!" Khufu replied energetically and said, "Yes, Wink." They both practiced while Wink's family went out to search for food. After a tiring practice, they came back safely.

The time came for the temples to be demolished. Soldiers used axes to chop down the temples and they used a chain to hit all the statues there. Citizens were furious but they cannot do anything about it. They were very disappointed with Akhenaten because of his decision to close down the temples.

Wink got information about Akhenaten wanting to kill his family. Wink was furious about it and tried to confront Akhenaten but luckily, Khufu stopped him at the last minute. Khufu said, " Calm down Wink, don't risk your life because he has enough strength to push and slam you to the door." Wink nodded with disappointment.

Wink's mother voiced up and said that Wink is too young to fight Akhenaten. Everyone agreed with her and Khufu said that he should train more to fight. Wink's first younger sister said that he should learn more about Egyptian culture so that he will know Akhenaten's weaknesses. Wink said, "Hmmm. Maybe you're right. Khufu, can you bring us to see Egyptian culture?" Khufu said yes.

After a few days, they went on a trip to visit the old caves that has Armana letters written on the wall. Khufu taught them to speak in the Egyptian language. Now they were fluent in the Egyptian Language, Khufu taught them some legendary skills during the past. Wink was amazed with the Egyptians fighting skills. He taught Khufu the Great Britain fighting skills. Khufu said that it was good.

On the way to their new home, there was a loud sound. They went to investigate and it was Akhenaten whipping innocent citizens who went to his palace and attempted to assassinate him.  They failed in their mission to assassinate him. Wink's youngest sister could not stand it and she fainted.

In the hospital, they used ancient techniques to perform a surgery on her. Sadly, she lost too much blood during the faint as she hit her head and her head started bleeding. She died during the surgery.Wink's mother and father burst into tears. Wink himself also cried. Khufu tried to comfort them but it didn't help at all.

After a few days mourning over the death of Wink's youngest sister, they recomposed themselves and stopped mourning. They received information from Khufu about the citizens wanting to kill Akhenaten. They joined in the planned attack. However, the attack was called off because one of the leaders was sick. They had to wait for him.

Nevertheless, on the next way the attacked proceeded. Soldiers slashing people, people knocking and kicking soldiers. Wink and his family attacked Akhenaten and his escorts. Khufu and Wink attacked Akhenaten. Akhenaten's wife was also killed in this process. Akhenaten himself managed to escape this battle with minor injury. However, a spear from Khufu struck him and he died because of losing too much blood.

Finally it was the time to go back to Great Britain. Wink and his family said good bye to Khufu. Khufu goes back to become the pharaoh of Egypt.

The author's comments:

This is inspired by my teacher asking us to do a historical fiction.

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