Unspoken Rivalry | Teen Ink

Unspoken Rivalry

June 23, 2018
By Anonymous

There is an unspoken rivalry between my head and my heart

With each thought and beat it goes further and further off into its own world own body

Never does my heart slow at the beat of the night and never does my mind keep going without thought

I have never known where to go

Where It would lead me and soon enough I learned I was alone

Thoughts moved to my weakness, my heart means to the feeling

This unspoken rivalry had for once agreed on each doubt in mind

My heart would tell me that I was lonely that I had felt the sadness

and my mind would show me exactly how each doubt would play out

I can taste exactly what being alone felt like

It was hard to describe.

Metallic some would say, Cold others would, Salty others would laugh...

Each breath I took had added a chill to the already thrilling air

I had never felt more alone, ever realized how alone I really was in this world

That Unspoken Rivalry had made a truce.

My mind and My Heart had become one thought, one feeling

I closed my eyes and they froze over

I let my feeling go

I felt myself close

This is what happens when your mind and heartbeat, think as one.

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