Winter Blues | Teen Ink

Winter Blues

October 2, 2018
By mayaaluvsu BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
mayaaluvsu BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Laney couldn’t believe her eyes and she turned and ran out the door, her eyes started to water and it felt like there was a rock in her throat. She let the winter wind dry her tears as she produced more. Laney wrapped her coat around herself tighter trying to make up for the coldness she felt in her heart, she could not believe that had happened to her and she saw it with her own eyes. It felt like she had no one in the world left for her, she was all alone. Her phone rang from inside her pocket but she just ignored it, she’d much rather not talk to anyone at the moment. Each step felt like it was weighing her down as she tried to make it to her own apartment. She ignored the blizzard around her as she made her way down the street, this was very concerning for her considering how much she loved nature. She would always stop and look at the world around her but today was much different. Her heart sunk the more she thought about the situation at hand, she didn’t even know what to do. She walked all the way to the park where she sat on a bench to collect her thoughts. Laney knew what she had to do, she texted him and he met her at the park. He tried to make her forget about him but he was unsuccessful. She continued to think about him no matter what, not even the best of people could make her forget about him. She turned around and walked away from the park, never to be seen again.

The author's comments:

I was going through some hard times in life when I wrote this piece. This writing piece was basically like a vent story to me, I had to vent to feel better. I hope anyone that reads this story is inspired to vent by writing instead of other things. 

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