A Miracle in disguise | Teen Ink

A Miracle in disguise

November 15, 2018
By liontail BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
liontail BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day had felt just like any other, except that it wasn’t, something extraordinary happened that day

I remember coming home from school and walking through the door and dad was there, that made me happy

He’d got time off so we could all go to the lake as a family, this lake was paradise for us at the time

It was a place where only good things happened, a place where we’d all go together and be happy

My brothers and I were rushing to leave, but come could not get up

We asked her what was wrong, she said “nothing , don’t worry”, while lying on the couch gazing at the blank tv screen

She felt like a stranger, I looked into her eyes it’d seemed I’d lost my mother, when she spoke there was no emotion in her voice      “I’ll be fine, please go without me”  so we did

The ride there hadn’t felt the same as it would of if she was in the car, she was missing , we all felt it

We arrived at the lake and we got out of the car all four of us together started walking to the water, As we got closer and closer excitement gee more, then a ding sounded and dad stopped in his path, he pulled out his phone, it was a message from mom, it said, “Jason, I love you and I always will no matter what happens” His face riddled in worry, He said, “come on boys let’s go, we’re going back to mom” as his voice filled up with fear 

I was the first to get out of the car, I ran up to the door and flung it open, I scanned the living room to see if she was still on the couch But she wasn’t 

I yelled for her, MOMMMMMM!!!                     But I got no response, So I walk ahead to look in her room, a couple steps I’m almost there, I turn the corner and in the hall           I found her, lying there 

Now I look at her today                                 And I smile, because my mother is alive, and she’s stronger than she’s ever been before 

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