Wedding Dress | Teen Ink

Wedding Dress

December 7, 2018
By violinA BRONZE, Keller, Texas
violinA BRONZE, Keller, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My wedding day, I remember it almost perfectly. All my friends and family laughing and dancing in celebration of me and my true love. I wore my beautiful wedding dress. It was snow white and hugged my body in all the right places. The back was cut low and trailed with intricate designing, leaving my skin exposed, and the sleeves were pure lace highlighting my arms. The dress fell long past my legs, and when I were to walk, it would follow behind me perfectly. I loved it, and so did my husband. When he saw me, tears filled his eyes from my beauty… which is why I am here, wearing my dress, for him now. Although I am not as beautiful as I was that day, I know he still thinks I am. My eyes are tired from lack of sleep and my body is small and fragile from absence of food, making the dress not as pleasing, and my skin is now porcelain white, in need of a kiss from the sun. I look down at my dress, which is now covered in soil and I cry even without warning.

“I am sorry,” I whisper with tears staining my face, as I look down at my husband who now lays beneath the earth.

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