My Middle School Life | Teen Ink

My Middle School Life

December 10, 2018
By kels-Strobeck BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
kels-Strobeck BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“LIZZY GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!” screamed my older sister. As I lazily get out of bed I rush to get dressed for school because I what my sister had screamed just hit me. I rush down stairs I see my fried egg with a runny yolk fresh off the pan, waiting for me.

“Thank you mom.” as I say stuffing my face with the eggs.

After chowing down my breakfast I rush upstairs to brush my teeth and pack up my bag for school. Still rushing, I grab all of my multi colored binders and stick them into my backpack. I get my socks and shoes on. As I look out the door I see my sister sitting in her car impatiently.

“Bye mom, love you!” as I say as I’m halfway out the door, as the door is closing I hear her scream back.

“Love you too, have a good day at school!”  I somehow manage to scream back.

“Okay!” I’m running to my sisters car. I’m able to see that her window is down and that she is signaling me to hurry up. I jump in the car and she flores it. The car was going as fast as a race car as its about to hit the finish line. My sister is quiet she is so determined to get both of us to school. I finally make it to school with very little time to spare.

“Bye Brit, also don’t drive that fast next time. Mom would be disappointed if you got a ticket.” I say joking around. She gives a little chuckle and is off in a rush to get herself to school. I run up to the black top and I’m greeted by my friends and teachers waiting by the entrance.

“Thank you.” I say in exhaust. They mumble a your welcome but I can barely hear it. I run pass by many boys to catch up with my friends. But as I try to catch up I bump into Veronica. Veronica and I have history, bad history. I just keep walking to my friends.

Later, as I’m rushing to get to class, I see veronica again I try to act as if I didn’t see her but she sees me so,sharply and quickly she bumps into me without a doubt I know that,that was an intention.

“Sorry.” I say sarcastically. Veronica is upset that she failed to knock me down.

A couple hours past and now it’s time for lunch and recess. Lunch and recess are the always normal. Veronica doesn’t bother me, my whole friend group plays the same game of knock everyday during recess, and I sit with the same people. The best thing is that it’s always a blast!

The rest of the day is the same, same old classes with still a ton of homework but, at this point I’m used to it. After school, me and my two best friends Jessie and Abigail drift from the group and we meet each other at each others lockers. As soon as we escape school I see Veronica standing like she’s a lioness getting ready to pounce on her prey. I see her and so do Jessie and Abigail. We try to ignore but as we are walking she jumps in front of us.  

“ Hey, look its lying Lizzy and her loser squad.” When Veronica does this I usually fight back.

“Really Veronica is that everything you can come up with? That’s such a cleshay.” She scowls at me. The grin that I made looked exactly like the grin the grinch makes when he had made his evil plan. Then Veronica was saying some not so nice but sort of true things. That I tried to be pretty even though I know I’m not. She had also said that I try to be popular when everyone knows I’m not. At this point my friends had, had enough of Veronica and they are saying all of these nice things that are very true and when this is happening I can see in Veronica’s eyes that she feels powerless. After Jessie and Abigail stand up for me Veronica leaves me alone. That made me feel happy and overjoyed. When I got home I realized how grateful I am for all my friends. Everyday I realize how grateful I am for my friends and how they stick up for me. That’s my middle school routine.

The author's comments:

 I wrote this short story for a class assignment. But I have enjoyed writing it and reading it that I thought it would be a good idea to publish my story on this magazine. I hope that other people will enjoy it as much as I did!

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