My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

December 21, 2018
By elena123 BRONZE, Stockton, California
elena123 BRONZE, Stockton, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

2018- We celebrated the birthday of my two sisters and my mom who invited the family.

2017- We had to give a dog because we had two and how we had moved out of the house. The rentero did not want many dogs.

2016-  In the my holidays i worked in the field in spite of the heat, so that i worked a month and a half of the money i was earning i gave it to my mother because she was getting together to buy a car to work with him which he had had decomposed so we helped my sister and me

2015-  In this year i had a few months of arriving here in california

2014- We arrived in Sinaloa after having been in Mexico City for one year. When I arrived it was very strange to see everything because I felt that I had changed a lot where I lived

2013- I left the sixth grade of the school when i was already entering high school

2012- It was a weekday and my grandmother my father's mom was visitarnos and in the house were some cousins and my sisters and it was already late when my grandmother said that she had to go because she had not cleaned her house and a cousin and we decided to go clean her house and the we left and i started praising some glass suckets and put my whole hand into a glass and it broke and then it started to bleed a finger and gera that had cut me an as i had soap did not look good and when i washed it had a large cut and i freaked out and put paper but left enough blood and went home and my mom took me to the hospital and i put 7 stitches on my finger

2011-  I went with my cousin and we went for ride on the bike when we went to turn around and we felland we were so ashamed because there were people and they looked at us

2010-  From small to that age i still play making earth pies with my sister and a girl who lived around the house

2009- wen i went i school they read us to teach us how to read

2008-  In the primary school, i remember that when we went out for lunch we used to play tempted

2007- It was my first star in elementary school

2006-  I was in kindergarten  and one day in the spring they had to dress us with something that represented spring and my mom dressed me as a bee and i did not want to

2005- I remember when i went to kindergarten they gave us some plastic shoes and some clothes to show us how to wear them but was also funny


2004- My mom says that one day we went to the pools and that i wanted to get stubborn but the pool was high and i fell and i was hogando

2003-   I do not remember when I was three years old but my mom told me that we went to Mexico and we stayed alive with my mom's sisters

2002- I did not remember when I was two years old, but my mom told me that one day my sister and I were playing and that my hand was in the door and that my sister closed it and I got my hand, which caused me to almost lose a finger of the right hand but they managed to save me

2001- I was born this year on january 16 i am born in the states of sinaloa

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