Forests Hold Secrets | Teen Ink

Forests Hold Secrets

January 14, 2019
By 20-lewisvic BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
20-lewisvic BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The branches stretched and coiled away from the strong, wide trunk. All sorts of growth attached itself to the bark and grew with the tree. It looked like something you would imagine in a fantasy world with fairies and animals that could communicate. You may even imagine that the break in the greenery that left an open wide enough to crawl through leads to that fantasy world. The gravity defying branches curl around the opening, almost beckoning you to test that theory. You would be wrong however, because fairies do not exist and animals can not speak to us. But you were young, and you still believed in foolish things like trees telling you to crawl through some bushes. So without caution or doubt, you headed to the opening and went through. The world was different, but not in the way you expected. You could no longer see the sky or the sun and the only light came from the opening you had just came from. You looked up and saw that those branches that you were admiring and listening to now blocked the light. You were frightened, as any child in the dark would be, so you fought and stumbled against the sharp thorns on the bushes to go back to the other side, the light side. You realized there were no such as fairies, mermaids, and magic. That beautiful mess of branches and greenery was just a tree.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in a creative writing class based off of a prompt. 

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